Thursday, August 20, 2009

Now with 5% extra leg strength!

Tuesday 18th August
Warmup, OHS, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@34, 2@37, 1@40, 42, 44, 46, miss@47, 47, 47, 47, 47
Rack jerk: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 1@50, 54, 58, 62, 62, 62, 62
Cleans: 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@63, 2@65, 2@65, 1+miss+1@65
Front squat: warmups, 3@70 x 3

Good day all in all, got 4 out of 5 reps snatching 47 despite my sore legs from Sunday. I missed the first attempt due to not pulling hard enough, the others were comfy enough. That's a bit of progress there.

Jerks a bit tough, finding it hard to jerk from the rack at the moment. Need to keep working on keeping the elbows up and the drive straight, they were tending to go forward a bit.

Cleans were somewhat gruelling, very hard to get through the sticking point on the second reps. Had my first clean miss in ages on the last set, caught it a bit off balance. I was working on trying to lock the torso when catching, rather than slightly after, was having some success but needs more work.

Wednesday 19th August
Power snatch: 3@25, 3@30, 2@34, 2@37, 2@40, 2@43 x 4
BTN jerk: bar, 3@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@62 x 4
Front squat: 3@55, 3@60, 1@65, 70, 74, 78, 81, 83, 84
Press: 5@25, 5@31, 5@34 x 3
Lat pulldowns: 3 x 5

A good day there. Power snatched really well, have never done 43 for a double before. I'm working on the smoother acceleration in the pull and it seems to be giving a bit more oomph alright, despite fatigue from heavy cleans and squats yesterday. Behind the neck jerks were 2kg heavier than last week, and they were easy.

We tested front squat for first time since spring - got 84kg, up from 80, so I have indeed been getting stronger. This is good news, we have succeeded in adding some much needed leg strength while also improving some aspects of technique, not easy to do. Especially when you throw a good bout of mumps into the equation :) Hopefully we can repeat this trick between the Club Championships and Christmas.


  1. Good stuff mucker, keep at it. Whats your best squat snatch?

  2. Best snatch is only 50 - at Seniors and once in training prior to Seniors. Nearly got 51 in training same day I did 50, locked it out but lost behind and dropped it down my own back, which was sore :)

    Best I've done since then is 49 but we haven't really been in snatch test mode of late, just trying to keep in touch with heavyish singles somewhat (fairly successfully). However, tomorrow is last day of current prep phase, next week is holiday, and the following week is the beginning of competition phase. I'll be snatching singles 4x a week and maxing out whenever things are feeling on form, so we'll see how that goes.
