Friday, August 21, 2009

What has a green shell and swims underwater?

Me apparently, when I do those plank holds with a green 10kg plate.

So, today, still feeling tired. Wasn't happening with those power snatches at 40 kilos this week, had to drop back. Power cleans didn't have a lot of pop either but still managed to hit a new weight on those for triples. Holiday time now!

Friday 21st August

Power snatch from high hang: 3@25 x 2, 3@30, 3@35, miss+miss@40, 3@35, 3@35, 3@35
Snatch pulls: 2@45, 2@50, 2@55 x 5
Power cleans: 3@45, 3@50, 3@55, 3@60 x 3
Back squats: 5@50, 5@60, 5@70, 5@80 x 3
Plank holds: 3 x 1 minute holds with 10kg plate

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The CNS of a very, very small invertebrate

The gym is always excellent fun the day after a max squat session. I was tired going in and frankly crushed coming out. I'd have definitely taken the day off if not for the fact that I'm on my holidays (exotic northern Scotland) next week and need to get the training in.

Thursday 20th August
Snatch warmup
Snatch: 2@33, 2@36, 2@39, 2@42 x 3
Power Jerk: 5@bar, 3@25, 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, miss@59, 2@55, miss@55, 2@55
C+J: 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60 x 4
Trap bar deadlifts: 3@bar+55, 3@bar+85, 3@bar+100 x 3

All frankly fairly poxy apart from the C+Js. I felt like a 90 year old lady snatching, and there was nothing in the tank for the power jerks. Felt better C+Jing, although I was wishing I'd brought a giant Red Bull to the gym instead of the normal sized one. Just one of those sessions you battle through, I suppose. Tomorrow is the last day of this prep phase, and then a week off - looking forward to it!

Now with 5% extra leg strength!

Tuesday 18th August
Warmup, OHS, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@34, 2@37, 1@40, 42, 44, 46, miss@47, 47, 47, 47, 47
Rack jerk: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 1@50, 54, 58, 62, 62, 62, 62
Cleans: 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@63, 2@65, 2@65, 1+miss+1@65
Front squat: warmups, 3@70 x 3

Good day all in all, got 4 out of 5 reps snatching 47 despite my sore legs from Sunday. I missed the first attempt due to not pulling hard enough, the others were comfy enough. That's a bit of progress there.

Jerks a bit tough, finding it hard to jerk from the rack at the moment. Need to keep working on keeping the elbows up and the drive straight, they were tending to go forward a bit.

Cleans were somewhat gruelling, very hard to get through the sticking point on the second reps. Had my first clean miss in ages on the last set, caught it a bit off balance. I was working on trying to lock the torso when catching, rather than slightly after, was having some success but needs more work.

Wednesday 19th August
Power snatch: 3@25, 3@30, 2@34, 2@37, 2@40, 2@43 x 4
BTN jerk: bar, 3@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@62 x 4
Front squat: 3@55, 3@60, 1@65, 70, 74, 78, 81, 83, 84
Press: 5@25, 5@31, 5@34 x 3
Lat pulldowns: 3 x 5

A good day there. Power snatched really well, have never done 43 for a double before. I'm working on the smoother acceleration in the pull and it seems to be giving a bit more oomph alright, despite fatigue from heavy cleans and squats yesterday. Behind the neck jerks were 2kg heavier than last week, and they were easy.

We tested front squat for first time since spring - got 84kg, up from 80, so I have indeed been getting stronger. This is good news, we have succeeded in adding some much needed leg strength while also improving some aspects of technique, not easy to do. Especially when you throw a good bout of mumps into the equation :) Hopefully we can repeat this trick between the Club Championships and Christmas.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Training session with Andy Tysz

On Sunday 15th of August I attended a training session down in Limerick overseen by Andy Tysz and his assistant coach Stephen. It was an informal enough affair, basically we did two of our usual training sessions with Andy and Stephen providing feedback, with some Q+A afterwards.

Morning Session:
Snatch warmup (usual stuff, overhead squats, drop snatches, some dynamic warmup stuff and selected stretches)
Snatch: 2@34, 2@35, 2@37.5, 2@40, 2@42.5, 2@45, 2@45, 1+miss@45
Jerk from split: 3@30, 3@35, 3@40 x 3
Rack jerk: 2@40, 2@40, 2@45, 1@50, 1@55, miss@57.5 (small pressout), 57.5, 60, 60, 60

I felt a bit sluggish initially snatching, probably due to the unaccustomed hour, but things improved and I ended up doing 2 personal best doubles at 45, while feeling quite good and fast. I didn't get a lot of feedback on the snatch from Andy - he said I should go and get faster and stronger, mostly. He did suggest that I lock my snatch out overhead in an odd way, externally rotating my arms as opposed to internally rotating them which he reckons is standard. TBH what I do feels perfectly secure to me and I don't tend to lose snatches that I get to lockout height, but I will experiment with the other way and see how it feels.

On the jerks he mentioned the timing of the dip and drive and my tendency to drop my elbows a little as I dip - both things Harry has pointed out and that I'm already working on.

Afternoon Session:
Power snatch: 2@25 x 2, 2@30, 2@35, 2@37.5, 2@40 x 5
C+J: 2@35, 2@42.5, 1@47.5, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 65, 67, 68, miss@69 (missed jerk)
Back squat: warmups, 2@80 x 3
Planks: 3 holds with 10kg

Didn't go super heavy on the power snatches because I was a bit fatigued. However, the feedback I got on these was possibly the most useful I got all day. Andy spotted the fact that I seem to pause a bit between my first and second pulls, losing some bar speed. He thinks if I can make that transition smoother I'll get more power. I tried this on the last couple of sets and things did feel easier. I think it probably applies to the full snatch as well.

Another tip exclusive to the power snatch was that I seem to end up chasing the bar overhead sometimes in my power snatch because I'm dropping down and forward to catch, rather than just down. That was something that had been annoying me for a while, because it never happens in the full snatch. Good to know.

A final small thing was that Stephen spotted my starting position is slightly uneven, with my left foot slightly rotated out. Not sure I can fix this one though, it's probably how I compensate for my left leg being slightly longer.

So on to clean and jerks - for someone who hasn't cleaned over 64 or jerked over 63 in months I did pretty well - 68 was a PR C+J and equals my best rack jerk. It was a fairly nice smooth lift apart from the jerk being very slightly in front - those pesky dropping elbows again.

I did a decent clean with 69 too but missed the jerk - I think I just didn't drive it hard enough. It feels like it should come soon though. The clean felt excellent, it just felt like a nice challenging weight to get my teeth into rather than a limit weight - it actually felt easier than a 69kg front squat would be, although that might have been partly adrenalin :)

Feedback on C+J was that I can improve my timing slightly when catching the bar in both clean and jerk - I am locking myself under the bar fractionally too late in both. I'll have to work on this one.

All in all a very good day and I'm glad I went. Andy Tysz has a really good eye for diagnosing even the tiniest of problems. It was also nice to outnumber the boys for once, we had 5 female lifters down to 3 males, which is definitely a first for Irish weightlifting.

DOMS aplenty

Tuesday 11th August
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@42, 2@42, 1+miss@42, 2@42
Jerks from split: warmup sets, 3@35 x 4
Back squats: warmup sets, 2@80 x 3
Plank holds

A nice easy first session back after being sick. Snatches down 2kg from my usual doubles weight, but for first day back they were good and snappy, if a little wobbly at the bottom. Quads were asleep totally, doubles with 80kg were harder than 5s with 82 10 days previously.

On the other hand, the time off did wonders for my shoulder tendonitis - shoulder now feels like a normal shoulder again, so maybe it was worth it.

Wednesday 12th August
Snatch: 2@35, 1@37, 39, 41, 43, 45, miss@46 (locked out but caught higher on one side than the other, lost it), 46, 46, 46
Rack jerks: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 1@50, 54, 58, 61, 63, 63, 63, miss@63, 63
Cleans: warmup sets, 2@62 x 3
Front squat: warmups, 3@67 x 3

Good day today - snatching good singles at 46 with only one very close miss. Rack jerks were the heaviest I've jerked since April, and no lockout problems. Cleans and squats down a bit though.

Thursday 13th August
Power snatch: warmups, 2@42.5, 2@42.5, 2@42.5, miss@42.5
BTN jerks: warmups, 2@60 x 3
C+J: warmups, 2@58 x 3
Front squat: warmups, 2@67 x 2
Lat pulldowns 3 x 5

Another decent day - added a kilo to the BTN jerks and C+Js. Front squats feeling a bit easier, too.

Friday 14th August
Hang power snatch from high hang: warmup sets, 3@40 x 4
Light snatch: 2@35, 22@40 x 4
Snatch pulls: 2@44, 2@49, 2@54 x 4
Power jerks: warmups, 2@58 x 3
Power cleans: warmups, 3@58 x 4
Back squats: warmups, 5@76 x 3

A long day today, due to compressing most of what I normally do in three sessions into two. A really good day though - I made all 12 reps on the hang power snatches with 40 for the first time. Power jerks were apparently 'textbook', my timing on these is getting much better. Added weight to the power clean triples and got through that fine despite being pretty wrecked at that stage. Took it easy enough on the back squats, in order to not be too fatigued for Sunday.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Attack of the giant tonsils

Friday 31st July

Power snatch from high hang: warmup sets., 3@40, 3@40, 1+miss+1@40, 1+miss+miss@40
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 3@50 x 3
Power cleans: warmup sets, 3@57 x 4
Back squats: warmup sets, 5@82 x 3
Plank holds x 3

Good day, missed some of the hang power snatches but power cleans were snappy. Added weight to back squats again, they were fairly tough. I was due a light week after this session but it ultimately turned into a week off because I came down with tonsillitis and was feeling generally crappy.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Super Awesome Jerks

Wednesday 22nd July
Power snatch; 4@25, 2@30, 2@35, 2@38, 2@41, 1+miss@43, 2@41 x 3
Behind the neck jerks: 3@40, 3@45, 2@50, 5@55, 2@59 x 4
Front squat: 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@67, 2@72 x 3
Press: 5@32 x 3
Lat pulldowns 5 x 3

A reasonably nice easy day. Power snatches were a bit flaky - I tried a double with 43 and it wasn't quite there, so had to drop back down... but third day in a row training and probably not 100% sharp.

BTN jerks on the other hand were sharp, nice and fast with a good lockout on every one. The first set of 59s I actually did thinking it was 54kg, I was using a 20kg bar because we'd run out of 15kg ones and forgot to compensate. Once this was pointed out I promptly missed my next attempt at the same weight, before getting the next 3 sets done perfectly. See, all in the brain!

Thursday 23rd July
Snatch (light day): 2@33, 2@37, 2@40 x 4
Power Jerk: 3@25, 3@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@59, 2@53 x 2, 2@56 x 3.
C+J: warmup sets, 2@55 x 3
Trap bar deadlifts: warmup sets, 3@90 x 3 (plus weight of trap bar)

OK day, power jerks strong but a bit wobbly at top of a couple of them, mainly due to losing focus - got to be better on this, even when I think the lift is easy. C+Js were fine, cleans easy and jerks were good.

Friday 24th July
Power snatch from high hang: warmup sets, 3@40, 3@40, 3@40, miss+1+miss@40
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 2@53 x 4
Split jerks: warmup sets, 3@35 x 4
Back squats: warmup sets, 5@80 x 3

Think that's the first time I've managed 40 x 3 on the hang power snatches. Yay! Another kilo on the back squat 5s.

Monday 27th July
Snatch warmup
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@44 x 4
Jerks from split: warmup sets, 3@35 x 4
Plank holds, abs, back extensions

All my reps in the snatches, yay. Felt really good, all caught in good position and easy.

Skipped squats just this once to leave something in the tank for Tuesday.

Have swapped jerks from split at the end of the week with power cleans at the start, also in order to have more in the tank for snatches at the start of the week, and to get me in the groove for rack jerks on Tuesdays. Also dropping most of my pulls (we just think I've run the course of them for the moment and am doing plenty of volume), so that makes this a nice easy session.

Tuesday 28th July
Snatch to max: 2@34, 2@37, 1@40, 42, 44, 46, miss@48, 48, 49, miss@50 x 3
Rack jerks: 3@35, 2@40, 2@45, 1@49, 1@53, 1@56, 1@56, 1@58, 1@60, 1@62, 1@62
Clean: 2@45, 2@49, 2@54, 2@58, 2@61, 2@64 x 3
Front squat: warmup sets, 3@73 x 3

Good day today - snatched well, and managed to hit 49kg which is only 1kg under my best and considering I haven't snatched over 46 since April pretty pleased with that. Missed 50 3 times, was close the second time but not quite. I've got to stop poking my head forward when receiving the bar. I was also cutting my pull a bit on the heavier snatches, which I have stopped doing on the lighter ones. A timing thing to work on. There is definitely more there now.

Good jerks too, apparently a little wobble at the top of the 62s but still, a lot heavier than I was able to jerk last week. Clean doubles heavy, but good form overall. Harry is bored with my cleans now because I never miss anymore, even when doing doubles at 3kg under my personal best. Ah well, he will have to live with it.

Front squats tough after all that - yet another PR triple on those.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Everything according to plan (except jerks)

Tuesday 21st July
Snatch: 2@33, 2@36, 1@38, 1@40, 1@42, 1@44, 1@46, 1@46, miss@46, miss@46, 1@46
Rack jerk: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 1@49, 53, 56, 56, 58, 58, 58, 55, 55.
Cleans: 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@63 x 4
Front squats: 3@45, 3@55, 3@62, 3@68, 3@72 x 3

Change on last few weeks in this session - this is usually power snatches and behind the neck jerks and we've changed to snatch and rack jerk singles. This is usually a good training day, I'm sharp from previous day snatching but not exhausted from heavy cleaning and squatting.

This worked reasonably well. Snatches were nice and sharp. Missed 2 reps at the top weight, one overpulled and one underpulled. More practice with heavyish snatches will likely sort this out.

Rack jerks weren't great though, much shakier than those weights should be - again something's going wrong with the drive, still trying to figure out what. It might actually be a couple of things, Harry thinks I'm dipping too deep before I drive, which I probably am, and it also occurred to me late on that I might be driving from my toes, rather than my heels. If I could only get the same power in these as I am in my power jerks the numbers would be much, much better. I wonder if switching some jerk assistance exercises into my Monday's training might sharpen me up a bit for Tuesday's jerks. This is all most likely in my head, of course.

Cleans all fine, added another set of doubles on last week, and did another kilo on the front squat triples so the leg strength still seems to be coming along according to plan.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Backoff week and the quest for jerk mojo

So the week from the 6th July to the 11th of July was a backoff week, and too boring to write about really, usual stuff at slightly reduced volume and weight. More physio-ing on the Tuesday, just more of the same as the previous fortnight.

Monday 13th July
Snatch warmup
Snatch: 2@34, 2@38, miss+1@41, 1+miss@44, 2@44, miss+1@44, 2@44
Snatch pulls: 2@44, 2@49, 2@53 x 4
Power cleans: 3@35, 3@42, 3@47, 3@52, 3@55 x 4
Back squat: warmups, 2@85 x 3
Press: warmups, 5@31 x 3

A good day for the most part. I was very tired due to a bout of insomnia which had my snatch form a bit all over the place, hence the two missed reps, but they were strong. Power cleans also felt strong (PR there).

Tuesday 14th July
Power snatch: 2@25 x 2, 2@30, 2@34, 2@38, 2@40, 2@42 x 4
BTN Jerk: 3@35, 3@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@54, 2@58 x 3
Cleans: 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@63 x 3
Clean pulls: 2@63, 2@70 x 3
Front squat: warmup sets, 3@71 x 3
3 1 minute weighted plank holds

Very happy with all this, much better than the Monday thanks to a good night's sleep. PRs on the behind the neck jerks (I am liking these) and the clean doubles (they were tough but considering 67kg is my best clean single they should have been). Front squats were, another triples PR.

Thursday 16th July
Snatch: 2@35, 2@35, 2@39, 2@41, 2@43, 1@45 x 5
Snatch pulls: 2@45, 2@53 x 3, 2@56
Rack jerks: 2@40, 2@45, 1@50, 54, 54, 56 x 5
Front squat: 2@40, 2@50, 2@60, 2@70 x 3

Still tired and sore from Tuesday. Snatches started off pretty messy, although by the end they were much better. A bit disappointed in the jerks - 56kg harder than it should be, but then this is the first time I've done singles since pre-mumps, and overhead strength is coming back well. Just need to get the knack of the drive back. Decided to rejig the week's training a little bit in light of previous couple of weeks - in future single snatches and rack jerks will happen on Tuesdays when I should be fresher.

Friday 17th July
Snatch (light day): 2@34, 2@37, 2@40 x4
Power jerks: 2@35, 3@40, 3@45, 2@49, 2@53, 2@55 x 4
C+J: 2@35, 2@42, 3@47, 2@51, 2@54 x 4
Clean pulls: 2@54, 2@60, 2@65, 2@70 x 4
Trap bar deadlifts: 3@50, 3@80, 2@90 x 3 (plus weight of the bar)

A decent day, snatches were much more on form and felt very easy. Power jerks for 55kg doubles were great overall (one dodgy rep but most were good form). C+Js also good, cleans easy and jerks feeling better than Thursday.

Byrdie was down training, always good inspiration, especially for jerks. If I can get my drive as consistent as Cathal's and stop rushing it that will be my current woes fixed.

Saturday 18th July
Power snatch from high hang: 3@25, 3@30, 3@35, 3@39 x 4 (one missed rep of the 12, used straps)
Jerk from split: warmup sets, 3@40 x 4
Back squat: warmup sets, 5@79 x 3

Not a bad day, in a serious rush so left out usual plank holds. Power snatches were a little messy but they were good heavy triples. Shoulders absolutely killing me for the split jerks from all the jerking on Friday. Squats fairly strong, that's another 2kg on the working weight for 5s. All good there.

Monday 20th July
Snatch: 2@34, 2@38, 2@41, 2@43, miss+1@45, 1+miss@45, miss+1@45, 1+miss@45
Snatch pulls: 2@45, 2@50, 2@53 x 4
Power cleans: 3@40 x 2, 3@45, 3@50, 3@54, 3@56 x 4
Back squats (light day): 5@50, 2@60, 2@70, 2@80 x 3
Plank holds - 3 1 minute holds with 10kg plate

Overreached myself a bit on snatches there, only got half my reps on the working weight. Bad lifter. Power cleans were great, another kilo up there. Back squats ferociously hard, so kept them light today, it'll be hard front squats tomorrow and they're the important thing at the moment.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Let us not speak of snatches...

Wednesday 1st July
Snatch warmup
2@35, x 2, 1@38, 1@4, 1@44, miss@46 x 2, miss@44, call it a day
Snatch pulls: 2@44, 4@49, 2@53 x 4
Behind the neck jerks: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@54, 2@57 x 4
Front squat: 3@45, 2@55, 2@65, 2@70 x 3
Lat pulldowns: 3 x 5
DB press: 3 x 5

So, bit of a disaster on snatches, supposed to be heavy singles day but just not there today - blame fatigue. This is at the end of a few good heavy weeks of training so no surprise really. Sleep has also been in shorter supply than I'd like. It'll be fine again after a recovery week next week.

Shoulder was sore - I had physio on it on Tuesday - but behind the neck jerks proved no problem, likely due to the wider grip. 57kg doubles is the heaviest I've ever done on these, so not weak overhead anymore.

Friday 3rd July
Snatch warmup
Snatch (light doubles day): 2@34, 2@37, miss x 2@40, 2@40, miss+1@40
Power jerk: 3@25, 3@30, 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@54 x 3
C+J: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55 x 4
Clean pulls: 2@55, 2@60, 2@65, 2@70 x 4
Trap bar deadlifts: 3@bar+50, 3@70, 3@90 x 3

Another ropy snatch day, missed half my work reps at what should be very manageable weight. Tired. Both power jerks and C+Js were great though, no shoulder pain, it seems to have loosened out a lot now.

Saturday 4th July
Snatch warmup
Power snatch: 3@25, 3@29, 3@33, 3@36, 3@39, 1+miss+1@39, 1+miss+1@39, 3@39
Snatch pulls from high hang: 3@39, 3@42, 3@45 x 4
Jerk from split: 3@25, 3@30, 3@35 x 4
Back squat: 5@50, 5@60, 5@68, 5@73, 5@77 x 3
Plank holds: 3 1 minute holds with 10kg plate

Yet again power snatch misses that shouldn't have been - some reps were very good though. Just need to be more consistent with the speed on the second pull. Usual light jerks from split, working on landing lightly and using knees to absorb shock rather than arms - all fine. Sore shoulders, but just DOMS from Friday.

Upped weight on back squats again, leg strength seems to be coming along nicely, which is the main point of training at the moment - and it's already starting to show in all the C+J related lifts so I'm well pleased.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Many tiny PRs

Ended up training twice today, wanted to get the sessions in since I will probably be off diving the weekend.

Session 1:
Warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@34, 3@37, 2@40, 2@42, 1+miss@44, 2@44, 2@44
Snatch pulls: 2@44, 2@50, 2@53 x 3
PC: 3@40, 3@45, 3@50, 3@54 x 4
Back squat: 5@50, 2@60, 2@70, 2@80, 2@84
Plank holds: 3 1 minute holds with 10kg plate

Good session all in all, I think 44kg is my best snatch double. I missed one rep of the 6, just didn't extend fast enough. Rest were really good form, fast extension, caught them in good position. 54kg is also a personal best on powerclean triples. Took it easy enough on squats, 84kg is heaviest I've done since mumps but didn't feel too heavy. Left it at that because I knew session 2 would be killer.

Session 2:
Jerk warmup, foam rolling
Jerk: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@54 x 4
Power snatch: 2@35 x 2, 2@38, 2@41, 2@41, missx2@41
Clean: 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@62 x 3
Clean pulls: 2@52, 2@67, 2@70 x 4
Front squat: 3@45, 3@55, 3@65, 3@70 x 3

Jerks were OK, lockout still improving despite the fact that the shoulder is still wrecked. It may still loosen out a bit over the week, we'll see. Probably could use more massage this week, which I'll get if at all possible time-wise. Physio again tomorrow anyway.

Power snatches so-so, missed the last two just due to fatigue I think.

Cleans were great, added 2kg to last week's weight for another PR. Yay!

Front squat triples are also a 1kg PR, and the first set was very smooth. Based on that there might well be another bit in that soon - not next week though as I think it will be a backoff week.

So, things are getting stronger anyway, this is very good. Snatches and cleans are all on target, and jerks will be soon too once I get this stupid shoulder back to 100%.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ho hum

Thursday June 25th
Snatch: 2@34, 2@37, 1@40, 42, 44, 46, miss@46 x 2, 46
Snatch pulls: 2@46, 2@50, 2@52 x 3
Jerk warmup and foam rolling
Rack jerk: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45 x 2, 2@48, 2@50 x 4
Front squats: 2@45, 2@55, 2@62, 2@66 x 3
3 sets of lat pulldowns

Mixed day today - missed some of my heavy snatches, but first time doing singles since before mumps. Turned out I wasn't holding my shoulders quite back enough - last snatch was very easy once I fixed that. Went slightly wider in my jerk grip, getting slightly better with these but lockout is still not as consistent as I'd like. Still, shoulder is not back to 100% yet and things should be a lot better when it is.

Friday June 27th
Snatch: 2@35, 2@38, 2@40 x 4
Power jerk: 3@25, 3@30, 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@53 x 3
C+J: 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@53 x 3
Clean pulls: 2@53, 2@58, 2@63 x 4
Trap bar deadlifts: 3@bar+40, 3@bar+60, 3@bar+70 x 3

Light snatches day, they were fairly smooth. Added in some power jerks instead of usual push presses - doubles with 53 is good weight for me, getting happier again with weight overhead. Some were good, but still pressed out - there is a bit of a lack of consistency in my drive I think. Same with the C+J jerks. Got to keep working away at it till it comes back. Tiring day with all that lot. Kept clean pulls and the trap bar deads very light in order to not kill myself for 5 x 3 back squats day on Saturday.

Saturday June 28th
Power snatch: 3@30, 3@34, 3@37, 3@39 x 2, 2+1 miss@39 x 2
Snatch pulls from high hang: 3@39, 3@42, 3@45 x 4
Jerk from split: 3@25, 3@30, 3@35, 3@40 x 3
Back squat: 5@50, 5@60, 5@70, 5@75 x 3
Plank holds: 3 x 1 minute with 5kg plate

Nothing too notable here, back squats weight up again, this is where I was pre-mumps. Tough but doable. Hopefully can stick another couple of kgs on that next week.

Should have been doing power snatches from high hang but my torn callous is still in bits so compromised on power snatch from floor and then pulls from the high hang with straps. I shudder to think what sort of condition my hands would be in now with all this pulling without them.

Went for a massage after training, the right shoulder got a very good (and very painful) seeing to so hopefully it will be in good form for next week.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Tuesday 23rd June
Power snatch: warmup sets, 2@40 x 4
Cleans: warmup sets, 2@60 x 4
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@69 x 4
Front squat: 3@50, 3@60, 3@65, 3@67 x 3
Plank holds: 3 one minute holds with 5kg

Lots of foam rolling later that evening.

A bit sluggish on the snatches today but cleans were very strong. Have never done 60kg for doubles before so pleased with that.

Shoulder starting to feel a bit better, probably all the Nurofen :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

That is how a barbell should be snatched

Today's session was a bit of a masterclass in concentration skills. If you can lift with people hoovering beside you, sawing wood, walking in front of you, and sticking metal poles practically in your face you can lift anywhere.

Went to physio earlier to get the tight right shoulder seen to. Seemingly it is a bit of tendonitis in the subscapularis, possibly caused by a weak infraspinatus, so I've theraband exercised to do for that, will be taking Nurofen for the week, and getting massage on Saturday. However, I'm allowed to train normally, and apparently there's nothing structurally wrong with the shoulder, all should be fixable. Yay!

Monday 22nd June
Jerk warmup, foam rolling dodgy shoulder
Rack jerk: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@54 x 3
Snatch warmup
Snatch: 2@34, 2@37, 2@40, 2@43 x 4 - no misses this week!
Power clean: 3@45, 3@50, 3@53 x 4
Back squats: 4@50, 2@60, 2@70, 2@78 x 3
DB press: 3 sets of 5

Rack jerks are improving a bit I think, but still a bit wobbly at the top of most of the 54s. Annoying but at some point I'll start hitting the timing right again. Feeling stronger overhead, anyway.

Snatches were very good - direct quote from the Butcher, whose praise must be earned. Power cleans also mostly good, apart from one set which was done with people literally wandering all over the platform I was trying to lift on. Squats are feeling nearly as strong as they used to. All in all, a good start to the week's training, especially considering the pandemonium and the torn callous.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Time to get serious again

Friday 12th June
Snatch warmup
Power snatch: 2@30, 2@34, 2@37, 2@39 x 4
Power clean: 3@35, 3@40, 3@45, 3@50 x 4
Clean pulls: 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@65 x 3
Back squats: 5@40, 5@50, 5@60, 5@65, 5@70 x 3

Still not back to full strength yet but improving. Feeling less shattered after training again, which is nice.

Saturday 13th June
Snatch warmup
Snatch: 2@30, 2@34, 2@37, 2@40, 2@42 x 4
Snatch pulls: 2@42, 2@45, 2@48 x 4
Split jerk: 3@25, 3@30, 2@35 x 4 (as usual, focusing on 'shock absorby' knees)
Push press: 3@40 x 3 (not feeling very strong overhead)
Front squat: up to one double at 55kg, easy squats due to wrecked legs

Not a bad day considering my legs were knackered from squatting. Hungry a lot, quads seem to be growing back. Good!

Monday 15th June
Snatch: 2@34, 2@37, 2@40, 2@43 x 3 (couple of misses)
Snatch pulls: 2@43, 2@45, 2@48 x 3
Power cleans: 3@35, 3@40, 3@45, 3@50, 3@52 x 3
Jerk: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 1@45 x 4

First day back to attempting the regular training regime. Good power cleans, but snatches could have been a little more consistent. Last set was the best. Jerks were awful, right shoulder has tightened up again and was stopping me getting a decent lockout. Physio needed!

Tuesday 16th June
Power snatch: 2@30, 2@34, 2@37 x 4 (not at all strong today)
Cleans: 2@37, 2@45, 2@49, 2@53, 2@57 x 4 (decent cleaning)
Clean pulls: 2@57, 2@62 x 4 (not the best, hard to get speed - so stuck with lightish weight)
Front squats: 2@50, 2@57, 2@62, 2@65 x 3 (easier than last week, but not as easy as it should be)
Skipped upper body auxiliary work as I'm not sure how good it'll be for this shoulder.

Wednesday 17th June
Rack Jerk: 3@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50 x 4
Snatch: 2@34, 2@34, 2@37, 2@40 x 4
Snatch pulls: 2@40, 2@45, 2@50 x 4
Front squats: 3@50, 3@55, 3@60, 3@65 x 3 (getting better)
Plank holds: 3 holds with 5kg

Was very pleased with jerks today - after a pile of foam rolling the offending shoulder, most specifically around the serratus anterior, was able to jerk pain free. Still going to the physio next week though.

Saturday 20th June - session 1
Power snatch from high hang: 3@25, 3@30, 3@34, 3@37 x 4
Split jerks: 3@25, 3@30, 3@35 x 4
Rack jerks: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45 x 2 (just a small bit, more jerks later)
Push press: 3@35, 3@40, 3@45 x 3 (again, didn't want to tire myself out for later)

Saturday 20th June - session 2
Snatch: 2@34, 1@37, 39, 41
Snatch pulls: 2@41, 2@45, 2@50 x 4
Rack jerks: 3@25, 3@30, 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@54 x 4
Clean pulls: 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@65, 2@68 x 4
Back squats: 5@50, 5@60, 5@65, 5@70, 5@73 x 3
3 plank holds with 5kg plate

Again, foam rolling before jerking, they weren't too bad today. Session 2 did not go as planned because I ripped a callous on my snatch warmups, so taped it and did rack jerks, pulls and squats instead of the plan. Not sure why it ripped, I have been taking care of my callouses. Stupid hang power snatches must have weakened the skin :( Hopefully it will be OK to train on Monday with it taped up.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Low skill, low intensity, low volume

So the mumps had me out for over 2 weeks, which was great fun. At least the weather was good!

Did easy training sessions to try and get back into the swing of lifting last Friday, Sunday and Monday. Today was the first one even resembling a decent session.

Wednesday 10th June
Snatch warmup
Snatch: 2@34, 2@37, 2@40 x 4
Snatch pulls: 2@40, 2@44, 2@48 x 3
C+J warmup
C+J: 1+2@35, 1+2@40, 1@2@45, 1+2@49 x 3
Front Squats: 2@45, 2@55, 2@65 x 3

Still tired and weak but getting back to it!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Recovery week interruptus, and plague

I was away last weekend and did two light recovery sessions on Monday and Tuesday last week.

Then, on Thursday evening, I developed the mumps, which I likely got from my housemate. Despite the fact that I am apparently way too old. So no training for me probably till after the June bank holiday, or later depending on how the symptoms progress. I've got to stay in the house under quarantine, and I'm already going nuts here.

I've already been in touch with everyone I can think of who I've been in contact with since I'd have been contagious, but in case I forgot anyone, early symptoms of mumps are feeling tired, loss of appetite, then you may develop swelling round the jaw. Or, you may not have any symptoms at all. If you've had 2 inoculations against it or had it in the past you should be immune. If in doubt a GP can do a test on you to see if you've got it. My GP says once someone's been exposed there's nothing you can do to prevent getting it, it'll either happen or won't, however I've heard from other sources that there's an inoculation they can give which might help.

If you suspect you're coming down with it or have it stay away from people, as it's so contagious. In the normal course of the illness it's unpleasant but has no permanent effects, however there are a few unlikely but possible effects that are lasting, so it's not something you want to be spreading.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May

Long time no update, too much training not enough time! Attempting to do 5x a week training at the moment, although being into the summer now with weekends away diving in the mix sometimes it'll be only 4x or made up with 2 sessions in one day.

Things are going well in general, although jerks aren't too sharp at the moment - they just haven't been a focus of late. Have added in an extra session of rack jerks so they should come back up again soon.

Squats are going well, there's 2 easier and 2 harder (front squat triples and back squat 5s are the hard ones) squat sessions each week and have been able to add weight to those each week so far.

Thursday 30th April
Power snatch: warmup sets, 2@37 x 4
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 2@46 x 3
Split jerks: warmup sets, 3@35 x 4
Back squats: warmup sets, 5@66 x 3
Press: 5@20, 5@30, 4@34, 5@30

Friday 1st May
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@42 x 3 (few misses - tired that day, lot of training that week)
Power cleans: warmup sets, 3@49 x 3
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@60 x 3
Front squat: warmup sets, 3@68 x 3 (personal best for triples)

Very tired this session, but got it in anyway as long weekend away was coming up.

Tuesday 5th May
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@42 x 3
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 2@48 x 3
Cleans: warmup sets, 2@54 x 3
Front squats: warmup sets, 2@64 x 3

Wednesday 6th May
Power Snatch: warmup sets, 2@38 x 4
Split jerk: warmup sets, 3@36 x 4
Back squats: warmup sets, 3@80 x 4
Press: warmup sets, 5@31 x 3

Thurday 7th May
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@42 x 3
Power Cleans: warmup sets, 3@49 x 3
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 3@65 x 3
Back squats: warmup sets, 5@69 x 3

Saturday 9th May - session A
Power snatch from high hang: warmup sets, 2@32 x 4
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@40 x 4 (lighter day)
Jerk from split: warmup sets, 3@37 x 4

Saturday 9th May - session B
C+J: warmup sets, 2@54 x 3
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@62 x 4
Push press: warmup sets, 3@45 x 4
Front squat: warmup sets, 2@68 x 3
Plank holds: 3 holds with 5kg weight

Monday 11th May
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@43 x 4
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 2@49 x 4
Power clean: warmup sets, 3@50 x 4
Back squat: warmup sets, 2@80 x 4
DB press: 3 sets of 5

Tuesday 12th May
Power snatch: warmup sets, 2@39 x 4
Clean: warmup sets, 2@57 x 4
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@67 x 4
Front squat: warmup sets, 3@69 x 3 (personal best for triples)
Plank: 3 holds with 5kg

Thursday 14th May
Snatch: warmup sets, 4 singles with 46kg
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 2@50 x 4
Rack jerk: warmup sets, 57, 57, miss@57, 2@45, 2@50
Front squat: warmup sets, 2@69 x 4
Pulldowns: 3 sets of 5

Friday 15th May - session A
Power snatch from high hang: warmup sets, 2@35 x 4
Snacth: warmup sets, 2@41 x 4
Split jerk: warmup sets, 3@35 x 4
Push press: warmup sets, 3@46 x 4
Plank holds: 3 with 5kg

Friday 15th May - session B
C+J: warmup sets, 2@54 x 3
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@68 x 4
Back squats: warmup sets, 5@72 x 3

Definite fatigue setting in during last couple of days of this (and some sore legs after all that squatting). Taking a recovery week at the moment, back to heavy training Saturday 23rd.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Extend, extend, extend!

Tuesday 28th April
Power snatches: 2@34, 2@37, 2@39, 2 misses@41, 2@39, 1+miss@39
Cleans: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@54, 2@57 x 3
Clean Pulls: 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@65 x 4
Front Squat: 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60, 2@64, 2@68 x 3

Thursday 30th April
Warmup, OHS, DS
Power snatch; 2@33, 2@35, 2@37 x 4
Snatch pull: 2@40, 2@43, 2@46 x 3
Jerk warmup
Jerk from split: 4@25, 3@30, 3@35 x 4
Back squat: 5@40, 5@50, 5@60, 5@66 x 3
Press: 5@20, 5@30, 4@34, 5@30

Squats very easy, presses very hard!

Friday 1st May
Warmup, OHS, DS
Snatch: 2@34, 2@37, 2@40, miss+1@42, 1@miss@42, 1+miss@42
Power cleans: 3@35, 3@40, 3@45, 3@49 x 3
Clean pulls: 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@60 x 3
Front squat: 3@40, 3@50, 3@60, 3@64, 3@68 x 3

PR for triples on front squats today, yay! Very hit and miss on the snatches, partly down to fatigue after a tough week's training, partly due to me trying to get more extension and still needing to nail the timing change associated with that. Lots of work all week long on getting complete extension on both snatches and pulls. Seem to be getting somewhere with it.

Right shoulder full of knots, need to get that sorted. Foam rolling is helping, a good massage should sort it hopefully.

This site is strangely hypnotic and also educational:

Monday, April 27, 2009

How I learned to stop worrying and love the squats

A nice early session today. Trained with Amy Chindove, who was over from the UK to compete in Seniors. She has strong legs.

Today's plan was from Harry, there is talk of a New Training Philosophy coming soon, not sure if this is the start of it or what. It was all fairly easy other than the squats, which were reasonably challenging. Squats seem to have brought my appetite back anyway, it has been MIA since last Saturday.

Monday 27th April 2009
OHS, drop snatches
Snatch: 34, 34, 37, 40, 42 x 6 singles
Snatch pulls: 3@48 x 3
Power clean: 3@45, 1@48, 1@52 x 3
Front squats: 3@45, 3@60, 3@66 x 5
Finished with inverted rows, some scap rows, few abs and some stretching and foam rolling.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Half a centimetre between victory and defeat

Irish National Senior Championships - 25th April in Dublin. Very mixed day for me... went 3/3 in the snatch, then bombed in the C+J. Weighed in at 62.3kg (bit too light, due to Hercs' inaccurate scales - will know next time).

Was feeling decent warming up snatching. Opened at 46, no bother apart from overpulling and wobbling a bit at the top - the overexcitement of competition. Waited frickin ages for the down signal (refs having issues with the system I think, pretty sure I had all my bits in a line). 48 similar lift, strong but a tad wobbly. 50 was a bit smoother and equal to my PR, so pretty happy at this stage.

Felt a bit tired and manky warming up for C+Js, hall was hot and smelled of paint (why is there fresh feckin paint everywhere?). Stomach was turning. Still, warmups were OK. Opened with 62, after a bit of faffing about delaying me because the TV people were there, I finally lifted, but not given due to pressout in the jerk. It did feel light though and I was convinced I'd easily get the next lift, so tried 65. Pressout, even though I actually thought that one was OK. Third lift not given either. Some strict enough judging there, some other people were fairly surprised the lifts were not given. Still, best not to dwell.

I need to do more competitions more frequently to stay sharp at it - it's over 5 months since last proper one and over 4 since unofficial Hercs open - only one in between was the UL Open which I was out of country for. Meh. Less leaving the country for me!

The last 5 weeks training has not been the way to do it really, the first bit was more intensity/volume than I could manage, and then the last fortnight had to be pretty easy to recover and really it's been too little and I've lost a little sharpness. The lifts just didn't feel as natural as they normally do, although the adrenalin doesn't really help with that either. Organisation of training coming up to competition will be better next time.

Still, it's a long term project so onwards and upwards, Ulsters and Leinsters over next couple of months and in between lots and lots of hard training. I plan to vindicate myself with a nice 70kg C+J soon.

Sunday 26th April: Back in the saddle
OHS, drop snatches
Power snatch: 2@34, 2@38, 2@40 x 4
Jerk warmup
Rack jerk doubles (one behind neck, one in front): 35, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 x 4 sets
Back squat: 8@bar, 2@40, 3@60, 3@70 x 3 - felt heavy, ugh
Leg curls 3 sets - planned to do a bit more ancillary work but had to split (Kubrick season at the IFI :).

The above was all a bit random really, more or less just what I was in the mood for... apparently there is a New! Improved! programme awaiting me tomorrow.

My right shoulder is feeling happier and looser than it has been of late as well (lots of mobility work), so that's good. No problems with jerks today. Tommy Hayden inquired as to why I couldn't just have done them like that yesterday. I tell you it is just like training with Podge O'Leprosy in the corner, except with slightly less tact. And that is before he starts on the dirty anecdotes.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Shiny New Platforms

Platforms that are flat! Wow. What a concept. See video below.

Bring it on

Last 10 days have basically all been extended taper, with one or two slightly heavier sessions in to keep sharp.

Wednesday 15th April:
Power snatch to a 42kg single
C+J to a 60kg single
Scap work and abs, foam rolling
All OK but pretty light.

Thursday 16th April:
Snatch to 47kg, 3 close missed with 48kg
Rack jerk to 60kg, 2 misses with 63kg
Not a great day, just not sharp at all. Shoulder not feeling it on the jerks, it keeps tightening up on me (probably due to the rotator cuff/scap retractor work I've been doing to keep the supraspinatus happy). Need to keep on top of the stretching/mobility.

Saturday 18th April:
Snatch: 2@34, 2@37, 1@40, 42, 44, 46, miss@47 x 2, 47, 48
C+J: 1+2@35, 1+2@40, 1@45, 50, 54, 57, 60, 62, 64
Scap work, abs
Shoulder was happy today, all good. Missed 47 on the snatch a couple of times due to being slow on the extension, but the 47 and 48 were easy when I got them. C+J reasonably smooth.

Monday 20th April:
Light day, just snatch to 40 and C+J to 53

Wednesday 22nd April:
Snatch: 2@35, 1@38, 40, 42, 44
C+J: 1+2@35, 1@40, 44, 48, 51, 54, 57
Front squat: to a 65kg single
Slightly heavier day just to try and sharpen up for Seniors on Saturday... don't want to forget what heavy weights feel like! Shoulder tight again, that'll learn me not to stretch enough.
Scap work and stretching

Thursday 23rd April: very light snatch to 3 34kg doubles, and a couple of 45kg C+J singles.
Gym full of paint fumes again just for extra fun.

Seniors Saturday, then back to some proper decent training. I feel rested again anyway.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A new hope

Warmup, OHS, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@35, 1@38, 40, 42, miss@44, miss@44, 46
Power clean: 2@35, 2@40, 1@45, 50, 55, miss@58 x 2
Squats: 2@45, 2@50 x 3
Scap pullups, one set of 3 chins, some scap wall slides

Supposed to be a fairly light day to try and get some recovery in. Feeling very fatigued in general. Oddly lifts were sharp enough. I missed 44 twice due to technical faults (too fast off floor, cut pull), but when I got it it was a really good snatch, and felt effortless (as did all the other non-misses). And if I can do it on those lifts I can do it on every lift.
Also missed 58 on the powercleans, just timing getting under it as the height was there.

Feeling more positive about lifting again. It's important to remember that apart from the actual snatch and C+J numbers this year to date has also been about improving technique and developing a base of work capacity - both of those will hopefully stand to me in the future. And the competition in two weeks really ought to go fine, this fatigue will be gone by then (it's lifting already).

OTOH I really need to not get into this sort of state of overtraining again, it is unpleasant and not worth it. Poor sleep appears to be an early indicator going by last week and what I've noticed in the past as well, it would seem it's definitely worth taking things a bit easier if that starts to happen. Maybe I should start doing that waking heartrate monitoring thing, too, although not sure if that one applies to weightlifters.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Squats, the universe, and everything

Herein being a rambling discourse on the good and bad points of the last few months' training, and where it might be possible to improve upon it, prompted by recent meltdown...


Snatch is disappointing at the moment. Did a huge amount of training on it in the last 4 months, mostly highish volume stuff January until late March. Added between 3-5kg to most of my snatch training sessions during that time, so went for example from December last year snatching 41kg for 6 singles and doing hang power snatch triples with about 36kg to snatching 46kg for 5 singles and HPS triples with 40kg. That was great. I did feel that technique was getting more consistent at this stage as well.

Sadly, I've only managed to add 2kg to my actual snatch 1RM so far (although I was close to a snatch 3kg better but dropped it behind). Why? I don't think I'm really at the limit of my leg strength on this one. I'm simply not getting enough speed on the bar on max attempts.

Have I not been doing enough max attempts to keep the skill at it? There really weren't many from the middle of December to the end of February, so might be a factor. Lots since, but for many of those I've been reasonably fatigued and maybe not realistically in a position to get the best out of myself snatching heavy.

Maybe future volume training plans should factor in more frequent snatch max attempts on days when it's realistically possible to hit a good heavy snatch, and perhaps more focus on snatch singles rather than doubles, triples etc. I think the problem with doing lots of lighter snatches is it seems to encourage me to just get faster under the bar rather than actually get more power in the second pull. Speed under the bar is great but a shortened second pull isn't.

I've a feeling occasional stints of heavy powersnatching helps with the extension problem - I noticed this late February after doing more than the usual amout of powersnatching. Doesn't seem to be working now though so a definite limit to the usefulness.

I also wonder if I have some weak link somewhere specific to the snatch, or the fact that I simply haven't regularly been pulling anything with a snatch grip heavier than my best snatch means I'm not used to the weight and it throws me off (has definitely happened on some attempts). Heavy snatches do feel heavy coming off the floor, which I don't think they really should. Plus, I do remember having sore muscles in a good few places after doing snatch pulls those couple of times in February.

Maybe it'd all have been fine if competition phase had gone better. These last 3 weeks and the week coming up should really have been about getting the best out of my snatch, being the lagging lift, but it's not been possible due to excessive fatigue during most of the phase so far apart from the first few days. I'm still hoping to get another 2 kilos at least onto the snatch at some stage in the near future though so all isn't lost. Having knowledgeable eyes watching me snatch again should help a lot too.

C+J is up 3kg from 64kg last November to 67kg now, and rack jerk up 4kg to 68, which I've done on two occasions. Technique is much improved on the jerk - drive is better controlled and receiving in a more stable position most of the time. I'm pretty happy with these. Advice I got from Harry on form and a good amount of jerking (including adding jerks from behind the neck) did the trick.

Cleans - they're getting the job done but not necessarily the prettiest technically all the time, there is a pronounced tendency to jump back on heavy ones and I don't really know why. On the other hand, I'm pretty confident I can clean whatever I need to in order to jerk for now, so that's good. We haven't been doing a particularly high amount of cleaning (for a while it was once a week and one session powercleaning, then C+J once a week and clean doubles once a week) and it doesn't seem to be necessary to progress.

I think the key now to continued progress on these is
1) acquire stronger legs
2) fix the problem with the cleans
3) maybe also train pressing a bit more, although a distant third to the other 2 issues
4) acquire stronger legs

Well, I've put a fantastic 2kg on my front squat since the start of last October, so that's completely crap. Not sure about the back squat because I test it a lot less but probably about the same increase. Squats have been pretty haphazard and not really a major focus through this period. This is fair enough as sorting the classic lifts was the priority but this lack of attention has now left me in a position where I think my C+J is limited by leg strength or close to it and snatch will be soon too. It seems like a poor idea to have spent so much time and effort just spinning wheels here when I could have improved my leg strength much more.

One limiting factor was that quadricep injury which did mess things up in February even though it disappeared quickly. Was unfortunate because the period before and after that break when I was doing sessions of 6 heavyish triples on the back squat a couple of times a week was when I think most of the progress happened. So, I reckon triples = winner for squats, (80-83% or so seems good) and a decent volume is needed. No surprises here really.

Heavy singles seems to be counterproductive in the back squat, they really take it out of me and don't seem to get me stronger. Heavy singles in the front squat seem like a more useful thing, in terms of preparation for difficult clean recoveries at least, even if they don't help with gaining strength. I'm not sure a lot of them are required though.

Squats and cleans need to be combined very very cautiously, also, I've wiped myself out a few times now doing those together and it's not pretty.

Stress days
Having had a look back and a think about these, I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that apart from offering the opportunity to max out on snatches/C+Js/rack jerks in an environment conducive to it these don't do that much. I've hit several one or two PRs on stress days but haven't particularly noticed any benefit afterwards other than that, and those PRs were on their way at some stage anyway. If adding in loads of volume and squat max attempts makes one knackered for the rest of the week's training is there really any point? Maybe for developing work capacity but that's about all I can think of.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Feel the anger...

Today I am pissed off. I have been pissed off for the last few days. I'm not that happy with how this phase has been going but my pissed-offedness is probably out of all proportion to that really. I'm pissed off with feeling tired and burned out for no reason that I can think of other than training. There's been a lot of that over the past month. I'm annoyed at my snatch technique getting less consistent approaching a competition, and I'm losing confidence in the lift.

I'm actually angry enough with lifting that I spent some time this weekend considering whether or not I should even bother lifting in Seniors and whether a couple of weeks off might not be a better thing. I probably will lift in it anyway but this is not a good way to be feeling 2 weeks before a competition. Hopefully it will pass.

I think a large part of why I'm feeling this shitty is that I'm trying to do way too much squatting, am supposed to be going to a max for the day and then dropping back to a few 80% doubles 2x a week and doing slightly easier squatting the other 2 sessions. I don't think I can handle max squats on top of a full hour of heavy snatch/C+J variations. In particular looking back over my log heavy cleans + squats on the same day invariably lead to disaster.

It is also probably a bad thing to change a programme quite drastically in a month when one's coach is mostly not available.

Easter Sunday
Warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@35, 1@37.5, 1@40, 42, 44, 46, miss@48 x 2, 2@37.5 x 2
Jerk warmup
Rack jerk: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 54, 58, 62, 65, 68, miss@69
Some ancillary work: rotator cuff stuff, some core work, chins/inverted rows/press, leg curls, nothing too strenuous.
Bit of stretching/foam rolling to finish

Well, snatches still shite but at least there were no misses on lighter weights. Rack jerks actually decent, equalled my PR, seems being incandescent with white-hot rage has some advantages there. Tried 69 again, no go, bar just didn't go high enough. I don't know if I'll be able to jerk that weight until I manage to gain some more leg strength.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Crash and Burn

Warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@35, miss@37.5, 1@37.5, 40, 42, miss@44 x 2, 44, 46, miss@48, 2@35 x 4, 2@37.5 x 2
C+J warmup
C+J: 2@35, 1@42, 48, 53, 56, 59, 61, 2@49 x 4
Back squat: 3@60, 1@70, 1@80, 1@85, 2@70 x 2

Everything felt heavy today, no strength (even squats were tough and those weights shouldn't be). This is only 8 days into heavy training phase. Really having my doubts about whether this style of training is sustainable for another week till tapering for seniors.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Adequacy from the jaws of defeat

Warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@35, 1@38, 40, 42, miss@44, miss@44, 44, 46, 48, miss@50, miss@50
Power clean: 3@35, 2@45, 1@50, 52, 54, 56, 58, miss@60 (dropped into a full clean), 2@48 x 6
Front squat: 3@50, 1@60, 65, 70, 72.5, 2@60 x 3
Snatch grip special exercise: 3@56 x 3

Felt pretty ropey training today, everything was heavy and felt lightheaded after a lot of the lifts early on. Might be something to do with the rather intense paint fumes!

Snatches did not start well at all, the first 2 attempts at 44 got away in front of me so I did a few sets of my dowel rod bar trajectory thingy and the next attempts were successful. 50 just didn't quite seem to be there today. I nearly got under it both times but didn't quite succeed. Probably cutting my pull again, need to keep on this.

Power cleans and front squats also feeling heavy, so kept the squats fairly handy. 4 day weekend coming up for Zombie Jesus Day so hopefully I'll be feeling more rested soon. Sleep hasn't been great last few days for whatever reason, I was blaming it on the bruised back but don't think it is anymore. I'd usually suspect a bit of overtraining, don't think I have been but who knows what with this crazy going to maxes every session stuff...

Will have time tomorrow so will hit the ancillary/prehab stuff I've been neglecting then.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The makings of a good lifter?

Headed in earlier than usual today. Wasn't expecting too much because I haven't been sleeping well past two nights, in large part due to the enormous bruise I am now sporting on my lower back which is waking me up whenever I roll over at night. At least the bruise isn't stopping me training though.

Warmup, couple of sets of OHS and DS with bar
Power snatch: 3@25, 2@30, 1@35, 38, 40, miss@42, 42, 43, 44, miss@45, 2@35 x 5
Rack jerk warmup
Rack jerk: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 54, 58, 62, 64, 66, miss@68 x 2, 2@55 x 3

Back squat: 5@55, 3@65, 1@75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 2@76 x 3
Snatch grip special exercise: 3@56 x 3

Power snatches were quite off form, not as precise as usual with the trajectory and a bit of arm pull on a couple, put that down to tiredness. Rack jerks were quite good though, happy with those. 68 is my best from the rack, I didn't quite manage to equal it today but more because of lack of strength than poor technique I think.

Now to watch the 53s in the Europeans for a bit of inspiration :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

50 + 67 = Awesome!

Today I headed into the gym with my War Face on.

Warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 35, 37.35, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, miss@49, 49, 50, miss@51
C+J warmup
C+J: 40, 45, 50, 54, 58, 61, 64, 66, 67

Front squat: 3@50, 1@60, 1@65, 70, 72.5, 75, 77.5, 2@62.5 x 6
With some scap work supersetted in.

Foam rolling to finish.

Snatches were excellent overall, got a 1kg PR and almost a 2kg one. I've been focusing lately on better extension on the second pull and just getting the bar moving faster - this is paying off I think. The 48kg snatch was the smoothest 48 I've ever done. I missed 49 next, just a bit slow. The next 49 was spot on. I had to fight to hold the 50, because for some odd reason I caught it higher on the left than the right, but I got it. 51 was strange - I pulled well, got under it and locked it out, but it was just slightly too far back and I lost it behind suddenly (I almost never lose behind). I managed to drop the bar on the small of my back, it's slightly bruised but nothing serious hopefully. Reckoned that was a good time to stop as I was probably too shaken to make the lift that day. The fact that I pulled it to height and locked it out means I should get it soon though.

C+Js were good and fairly straightforward. Good form on both lifts to 64. 66 was decent. On 67 the clean recovery was a struggle, and the jerk was a bit messy and out in front, but it wasn't pressed out and I held it. Seemed like a good point to leave it for the day.

My right hip is still very strange, full of knots, hopefully I can get some massage done on it this week, will have at it with the tennis ball later as well.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Light week and ouchy shoulder boringness

No posts last week because it was light week and things were frankly not very interesting lifting-wise and work was busy. I did go for some massage on Friday the 27th on my incredibly tight right hip and my ouchy right shoulder.

The shoulder turned out to be a spot of tendonitis so it's a good job it was light week anyway. Specifically it was a bit of irritation on the supraspinatus tendon where it goes under the acromion. I think the problem was caused by my old friends weak/inactive scapular retractors/depressors. Their weakness lets the scapula slip outwards at the bottom which makes the spine of the scapula sit downwards more than it should, thus restricting the space under the acromion. So I did a couple of good sessions this week on those plus lots of icing and happily the shoulder now seems in fine form and hopefully will stay that way if I keep that up.

Saturday 28th March (80% singles)
Snatch: 2@30, 1@35, 37.5, 40
Rack jerk: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 50, 54
Front squat: to a single with 64kg

Monday 30th March (80% singles x 3)
Power snatch: 34, 37 x 3
Power clean: 3@37, 1@45, 50 x 3
Back squat: 3@48, 2@60, 1@70, 1@80 x 2

Scap rows, scap pullups, external rotations, prone cobras and some light DB pressing with right shoulder while fosucing on good shoulder posture.

Tuesday 31st March
Snatch: 34, 37, 40, 42
C+J: 35, 40, 45, 50, 53, 56
Front squat: 46, 50, 60, 64, 68

Thursday 2nd April
Snatch: 36, 39, 42, 44, 46, 48, miss@49 x 3, 2@39 x4
Rack jerk: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 55, 60, miss@63, 63, miss@65, 2@51 x 4
Front squat: 3@45, 1@55, 1@60, 65, 70, 74
Plus scap work, some rows and a good lot of foam rolling.

Back to the heavy stuff! Lifts OK but not great, just things not that sharp after a very light week preceding.

Friday 3rd April
Power snatch: 33, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, miss@46, 2@36 x 4
Power clean: 3@36, 2@45, 50, 55, 57, 59, miss@61 (slow to get under), 2@49 x 4
Snatch grip special exercise: 5 sets of 3 with 54kg
OHS: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@53, 2@55, 1@57, 1@59, 61.
Back squat: 3@50, 1@60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 2@72 x 2.

Not quite my best ever on PS/PC but close to it. Could maybe have gotten more if I pushed it, and could definitely have squatted heavier too but want to leave something in the tank for Sunday, which hopefully will be a good day. I lift better on the weekend for some reason.

Threw in the OHS as a warmup for back squats and because I wanted to see how they're getting on (and no coach within 3 days travel radius to stop me, bwahaha). They're getting on rather well it seems, 61kg is an 8kg PR. I tried for 63 but failed the push press up into position. Still, I know if I can get a snatch overhead and locked out I can bloody well stand up with it for the foreseeable future. I also threw in a few sets of snatch special exercise (pull to knee) because I wasn't sure if my positioning is right when I go for heavy snatch attempts - it feels a bit odd sometimes - seems fine on video though.

Gill did some sterling snatching on Friday, should have taken some video but didn't want to jinx the attempts :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

66kg C+J!

Thursday 26th March

Warmup, OHS
Power snatch: 3@25, 2@30, 1@35, 37.5, 40, 42, miss@44 x 3, 2@35 x 4
C+J warmup
C+J: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 55, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, miss@67 (pressout)

Another fairly dodgy snatch session. The bad snatching is a bit of a theme this week, it is just tiredness. A few light sessions now, won't go heavy again until about next Thursday. Be a nice change, every workout in the last 3 weeks has been very full on. Going by previous form should see the snatch improving greatly when I'm fresher.

C+J on the other hand was quite good tonight, new 1kg personal best at 66. Also got a 67kg PB clean, but pressed the jerk out. Should come soon. I missed it because the feet were a bit slow in the split and I didn't get low enough to catch it. There's more than enough strength there for it though.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bits and pieces

Quick bits and pieces session today.

Quick warmup of OHS and drop snatches
Snatch balances: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@52 x 3
6 x 4 leg curls (how I hate these but apparently necessary)
3 x 8 cable rows
3 x 5 seated DB press
Scap wall slides 3 x 8, external rotations with a small plate 3 x 8
Abs circuit

I'm still doing the snatch balances for the moment because I think they're helping with stability and confidence holding heavy snatches overhead. Plus the usual extra bits and pieces for balance and injury prevention.

Brute force and ignorance

Tuesday 24th March

Similar format day to Monday, just different exercises. Didn't do a full 30 minutes of front squatting, though.

Usual warmup, OHS, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@34, 1@37, 40, 43, 45, miss@47 x 2, 47, 2@37.5 x 5
Power clean: 3@37.5, 1@45, 50, 55, 57, 59, 61 (new PR), 2@50 x 6
Front squat: 3@35, 1@50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 78, 80 (new PR)
Followed by a bit of stretching and foam rolling.

Very lacklustre snatching - 47 is 2kg below my best and I struggled to get it. Weight felt heavy, I was sluggish. I'll be better when I'm fresher, though.

Good power cleaning and front squatting though, got new PRs there relatively easily.

Very tired today though.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Competition Phase start and rack jerk PR

So, here goes the competition phase for Seniors. I've no idea what's going to happen over the next few weeks as Harry is being his usual enigmatic self. All I know is apparently I'm going to have a lot more opportunities to attempt maxes. Starting today.

The format of today was to take 30 minutes, work to the best weight I can manage for an exercise, then drop back to do doubles at 80% of the best weight done for the rest of the 30 minutes. Long enough session.

Power snatch: 3@25, 1@30, 35, 37.5, 40, 42, 44, miss@46, miss@45, 2@35 x 7
Rack jerk: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 55, 59, 62, 65, 67, 68 (new PR), miss@69, 2@54
Back squat: 5@50, 2@60, 1@70, 80,. 90, 93, 96, 2@76 x 3

Finished with some foam rolling. Session is just too long already to be doing ancillary work, I will do a dedicated ancillary session at some stage this week.

Was feeling a bit fresher today than on Saturday, after a very lazy weekend.

Power snatches not particularly amazing, have done 46 before once but just couldn't quite get enough speed on the bar today. Rack jerks were all nice and solid, 68 was no problem. 69 was pretty close to being locked out and I reckon it'll happen soon enough. I'm getting a much better and more controlled drive and the bar isn't going out in front of me the way it was. I've also been working on getting a better receiving position at the bottom and rotating the shoulders back, so that seems to be working out. Yay!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fatigue makes cowards of us all

Saturday March 20th

Warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@34, 1@37, 40, 43, 46, 46, miss@46, 46, 46, 46
Jerk warmup/skill
Rack jerk (one behind neck, one in front): 35, 40, 45, 50, 54, miss@56, 56 x 6
Front squat: 3@35, 2@50, 2@60, 2@64, 2@68 x 3

Lunges: 2 x 6 each side @35
DB curls: 2 x 8
Good stretch and foam rolling session - my quadratus lumborums are getting a bit tight

Strange day today. Absolutely bolloxed since yesterday, clearly I poleaxed myself altogether with the cleans and back squats I did on Thursday - this is what I get for mucking with the ordering of the sessions. Still, lifting didn't go too badly.

Snatching was strange, I made 5 of my 6 singles as opposed to 4 of the 6 last week, so that's improvement. Unfortunately, I had an audience of half a dozen assorted coaches and referees who were down for a committee meeting and of course most them were offering their various opinions on my starting position, extension and so on. The one miss was caused mostly by me trying for better extension and then being too slow to get under the bar.

Rack jerks were tough, mostly the behind the neck ones because I'm still not that good at them. Still, reasonably strong.

Had planned to train tomorrow but in light of how I'm feeling will be taking it off and training on Monday.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Triples = Cardio

Thursday 19th March

Warmup, 2 sets OHS with bar
C+J warmup
C+J: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 54, 58, 61 x 4 singles
Hang power snatch: 3@30, 3@35, 3@40 x 4, 2+0@40 (missed last rep)
Back squat: 5@50, 2@60, 2@70, 2@80, 2@85 x 6
Jerk supports: 3 secs@100, 3 secs@110 x 4
Leg curls, 4 sets

Decided to change order of workouts here, should have really been heavy snatch singles day but that'll be better on Saturday after I've had a rest day on Friday.

C+Js were good, 61kg is a pretty decent weight to be doing 4 singles at (about 94% of best) and a kilo progress over last week.

Hang power snatches were a bit messy and hard but bar speed was mostly fine. 40kg is probably my limit on this for the next while though (82% of best snatch. Sigh).

I'm really doing much too high %s of best lifts too often at the moment by normal standards. I'm presuming I'm being let away with it because Harry thinks my previous maxes don't reflect what I'm going to be capable of soon after a bit of tapering. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

While the cat's away...

My coach, the Butcher, has abandoned me for the week while he's off at the EUs.

I took Sunday to Tuesday this week off training as I was away diving in Galway, so before I headed I did a double session on Saturday. I was given the plan below to do. I didn't think it looked too bad, but I'd done a pretty tough week's training leading up to it and and once I snatched to my max weight I was pretty wrecked for the rest of it.

Saturday 14th March

Session 1
  1. Snatch (30 mins): Up to max (for the day!) then 80% for doubles to make up time
  2. Front Squat: Up to 85% of your best FS (approximately, err on the side of caution)
30-40 minutes rest
Session 2
  1. Snatch: Work up to a top set for 3 x singles (again err on the sideof caution, make the heavy, butmake the lifts)
  2. Clean & Jerk: Work up to a top single for approx 61-63kg depending on form
  3. Back Squat: Work up to a top weight for 6 sets of 2 (heavy, but not abominably heavy!)
So here's how it went:

Session 1:
Warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@33, 1@36, 39, 42, 44, 46, 48, miss@50 x 3, 2@38 x 3 (missed some of the reps on the doubles, very ropy)
Front squat: 3@40, 2@50, 1@60, 1@64, 1@67

Session 2:
Snatch 3 heavy singles: Wasn't able to snatch 44, tried twice and failed (couldn't believe it). Did 3 singles with 42kg in the end.
C+J: up to a top single at 63kg. Tough but good jerk. Happy to be able to get it while that fatigued. Jumped back a fair bit on the clean... got to work on this.
Squatted up to 2@85 x 6, heaviest doubles I have done on back squat. Not as hard as I thought they'd be.

Was a bit annoyed at how my snatching went to pieces after the 50kg attempts. Still, it was good to try the weight. 2 of the three attempts were very close, I got the height and locked it out but it was just a bit forward out of position. I will get it soon. And more.

Wednesday 18th March
Warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@33, 2@37, 2@40, 2@43 x 4, 0+0@43, 1+0@43
Jerk warmup
Front squat+ Jerk: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 55, 57.5 x 6 singles
Front squat: 2@63, 2@68 x 3
Plus some ab work and 3 sets of seated DB presses.

All fairly OK except snatches went to crap for the last 2 sets. Ah well, they were pretty heavy doubles. I've had about enough of this whole volume lark now, but I think I get to start dropping it back either next week or the week after.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Weights are heavy (quelle surprise)

Today was hard, third day in a row heavy training for me. Nobody else seemed to be in terribly good form either, apart from the Butcher, who derived his usual amusement from our plight.

Thursday 12th March
OHS, drop snatches
Snatch Combo: 30, 35, 39, 42 x 3 (86% of best snatch)
Snatch balance: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@48, 2@50 x 3
Quick clean warmup
Cleans: 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@54, 2@57, 2@59 x 4
Back squat: 2@50, 2@60, 2@70, 2@78, 2@84 x 5

New snatch combo PR there. The snatches on the combo weren't the best I've ever done but on those it's basically a case of getting under it somehow. Progressed the weight on the snatch balance/heavy drop snatch thingies. Also progressed on the clean doubles. Jumping back a bit on most of the second reps but didn't miss any. Will try to do these with better form next week.

Day off tomorrow. Huzzah!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Backwards to success

Wednesday 11th March
Warmup, some overhead squats with the bar
Jerk dips, jerk catches, split jerks and front squats with bar and 25kg
C+J: 2@35, 40, 45, 50, 54, 57, 60 x 4 (92% of best C+J)
Hang power snatch: 3@25, 3@30, 3@35, 3@39 x 5 (79.5% of best snatch, yes this is silly)
Front squat: 2@45, 2@55, 2@62, 2@67 x 3 (85%)
Jerk supports: 105, 115 x 5 for 5 seconds each
Leg curls: 6@55, 6@65 x 4

Good day again today. Did things backwards because I wanted to get a run at my heavy C+Js while fresh for a change. Working again on controlling the dip on the jerks and getting full extension on the cleans. Got all the reps in with no pressouts so happy with that.

Hang power snatches and all the rest good and strong too.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Cure for Callouses?

Due to my callous tear a few weeks ago I've been looking for better callous management solutions, apart from the usual thorough washing of chalk off the hands and moisturising. I've been using emery boards on them but my callouses eat those things in a week (I have monster callouses that seem to develop overnight). However, the other day I came upon the foot file - this is essentially a metal file on one side and a thing like an extremely fine cheese grater on the other. It's brilliant!

Tuesday 10th March
Dynamic warmup, light overhead squats and drop snatches
Snatch: 2@34, 1@37, 40, 40, 43, 46 x 4, miss@46 x 2
Jerk warmup
Rack jerks (one behind, one in front): 35 x 2, 40, 45, 49, 52 x 5
Back Squats: 4@50, 2@60, 2@70, 2@80, 2@82 x 5
Abs superset: 3 L chins and plank complex for 3 sets

Nice and sharp today after my day off. A bit annoyed with missing the last 2 snatches, but the first 4 were decent and felt easy considering the weight's only 3kg below my best snatch. The first miss I just lacked extension/focus, the second one I probably overcompensated a bit - I jumped back slightly and ended up losing it forward although there was lots of height on it. Think I probably extended back and threw the head back. Moral of the story is to extend hard but under control, I suppose. Like the way the dip and drive on the jerk have to be. Hmm.

Jerks were quite solid and squats were easy.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday's Solitary Superb Snatches

Sunday 8th March

Dynamic warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@34, 2@37.5, 2@40, 2@42.5 x 6
Jerk warmup
Rack jerk: 2@35, 2@40, 45, 50, 54, 58, 62, 62, 62, miss@62, 2@50 x 3
Front squat: 3@45, 3@52.5, 3@60 x 3
Jerk supports: 100kg, 110kg, 120kg x 3

Another good day. Snatches felt sharper, speed under the bar was great and felt very solid receiving the bar as well (hurrah for heavy drop snatches).

The rack jerks were decent as well although really not feeling sharp like the snatches did. Did some stretching on the shoulders to help me drop into the right bottom position, and drilling it between reps which seemed to help. Also focusing on keeping elbows up and controlling the dip, yet having an explosive drive. Got 3 good reps with 62 which is decent after a week of not jerking heavy, but missed the 4th and just felt knackered at that stage so I dropped back to 50 for 3 doubles to get a bit more volume in. Spent this session wishing our jerk boxes had arrived :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

2009 - a training odyssey

Saturday 7th March

Back to proper heavy training again, though The Butcher said I could snatch/clean normally but to take it fairly easy on the squats until Monday. At least, that what I'm claiming I heard :)

Warmup, overhead squats, light drop snatches
Snatch combo: 30, 34, 37, 39, 41 x 3
Jerk skill work/shoulder flexibility (waiting for squat stands...)
Heavy drop snatch: 2@35, 2@39, 3@42, 2@45, 2@48 x 3
Clean warmup
Cleans: 2@45, 2@49, 2@52, 2@55, 2@58 x 4
Back squats: 3@50, 3@60, 3@70 x 6
Step ups: 8@40 x 3
Leg curls: 6@55, 6@60 x 3

This took bloody ages, was at it about 2 hours including my warmup at the start. It is no wonder I am never in the mood for ancillary exercises after my main sessions... still it's all done for the week now except jerk supports which I forgot to do the other night.

Not feeling particularly sharp today, but the snatches and cleans were fairly heavy and I got through them OK. Clean doubles were not as tough as last time I did those with 58, recovering was a lot easier so I'd say my leg strength is coming back thanks to the light week. On the other hand I'm finding I'm not getting the bounce out of the bottom at all on the second rep of the doubles and am basically just having to power out of rock bottom. OTOH these are close to 90% cleans, or at least 90% of what I've been allowed to clean, so perhaps some breakdown in technique isn't unexpected.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Backoff Week Blues

Monday 2nd March
OHS and drop snatches
Snatch combo: 30, 35, 37 x 3
Heavy drop snatches: 2@35, 2@38, 2@41, 2@44 x 3
Jerk warmup
Rack jerk: 2@40 x 2, 45, 51, 54 x 5

All easy enough. Knackered after the weekend.

Wednesday 4th March
OHS and DS
Snatch: 2@30, 2@33, 2@35, 38, 40 x 5 singles
Jerk warmup
Rack jerks (one behind and one in front): 30, 35, 40, 45, 48 x 4
Front squats: 5@30, 3@45, 2@55 x 6
Push presses: 5@40, 5@45, 5@48 x 3

Again a nice easy session. Snatches felt light, actually overpulled one and ended up on my arse...

Thursday 5th March
OHS and DS
Snatch: 2@33, 2@36, 2@38 x 4
C+J warmup
C+J; 2@35, 40, 44, 48, 52 x 3
Back squat: 5@50, 2@60, 2@70 x 3

Bit of a mess today, usually seems to happen in middle of light week.

Friday 6th March
OHS and DS
Hang Power Snatch: 3@35 x 5
Front squat and jerk: 1+2@35 x 2, 40, 45, 50 x 5
Front squat: 2@55, 2@60, 2@65 x 3
Auxiliary stuff: scap circuit, ab work, 4 sets of inverted rows

Good day today, power snatches were getting away from me slightly. First couple of 50kg jerks weren't caught too well but some stretching of the shoulders helped a lot.

Back to heavy stuff from tomorrow. Got to do my auxiliary hamstring work, jerk supports and stepups.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Spring Fever

Friday 27th of February

Back from 3 days away without access to the gym. I usually don't feel very sharp first workout back so it was important to get into the gym and do a little bit just in order to be on form for the weekend's training. I snatched singles up to to 43kg and C+Jed to 54kg.

Saturday 28th of February

Went down to Whites of Wexford with the Hercs crew and various of the Limerick lads to do a weekend's high volume stress training in their High Performance Gym (aka marquee) and get cryotherapy sessions. We did 4 sessions of about an hour each. The format of most of them involved doing a particular exercise to a max and then using the remaining time in the 30 minute block to drop to 80% of the best lift achieved and do doubles for volume. Pulls and presses weren't done to maxes.

I've omitted all the usual warmup stuff but it was done where needed.

Session 1:
Power snatch: 30, 33, 36, 38, 40, 43, missed 46, 2@35 x 8 sets
Clean pulls: 3@45, 3@55, 3@65 x 6
Push press: 5@35 x 4

All easy enough. Power snatch max that day well down on my best, which is 46. Might have done better going 42, 44, 46... next time.

Session 2:
Snatch: 2@33, 1@36, 39, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 2@40 x 2
Back squat: 5@40, 3@60, 3@50, 2@60, 65, 75, 80, 85, 80 (misload), 90, 92

New snatch personal best of 49kg - w00t! Nice to get, I haven't been able to snatch over 46 since last December, probably due to the volume I've been doing. If I can do 49 on a day when I've been training hard for weeks and am not tapered I can likely do more on a good day. I seem to be getting better at heavy attempts again despite lacking a bit of sharpness - this is the 5th time I've maxed on either snatch or power snatch in the last 3 weeks so I'm getting back in the groove of it again.

We did a cryo session at this point, I just did 3 minutes.

Session 3:

Warmup for C+J
C+J: 2@35, 40, 45, 50, 54, 58, 60, missed 63, 63, missed 66 (jerk), missed 66 (jerk), 2@50 x 3
Snatch pulls: 3@45, 3@50 x 6

Hard session, didn't feel warm or sharp after the cryo, break was very short between it and training. We shouldn't have done it this way. 66 is a personal best clean, which is nice, but shame I didn't get the jerks. I was letting the elbows drop and driving the bar forward both times, got to work on that.

Session 4:

Power clean: 2@40, 44, 48, 51, 54 (got pushed down to full clean depth), 2@40 x 4
Back squat: 3@50, 2@60, 70, 75, 80, 64, 68, 90, 2@72 x 8

Not very strong on either of those.

More cryo after this session, I did 4 minutes.

Sunday 1st of March

Woke up sore despite the cryo, so the first session was pretty tough.

Session 1:

Power snatch: 2@25, 2@30, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, missed 43, 2@39 x 8
Power clean:3@30, 3@35, 40, 45, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56 (got driven down to clean depth), 2@45 x 8

I misloaded the bar for my power snatch doubles, ought to have been 34. Oops. Lots of time for volume this session since my max weights weren't up to much.

Session 2:

Snatch: 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, missed 45 due to brainfart, 45, 47, missed 49 x 3
Front squat: 5@20, 3@40, 2@50, 60, 65, 69, 72, 75, 77, 79, missed 80, 2@64 x 7

The first two misses with 49 were very close, I actually had the second one locked out in a good position then someone said something to me and I lost it :) Fairly good snatching for a day when I know I definitely wasn't at my best brute-strength wise. Getting much better at heavy snatch attempts again.

The 79kg front squat is a new PB by one kilo, but it was very tough.

At the end of the day we did 2 sessions of cryo with about 1.5 hours gap between.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Power to the people!

Decided to do something a bit unusual today because I'm away for the next 3 days without access to training facilities. The idea is to spend 30 minutes power snatching to a max for the day, then when that is reached drop to 80% of that and do doubles until time is up. I'd follow this with some snatch pulls for about 15 minutes and then some jerks from the rack and some back squatting. This is basically a bastardized excerpt of the sessions we did on Valentine's Day, which were good fun (and which I found really good for kicking me out of a training rut, too).

Mindful of yesterday's lesson I started with about 15 mins dynamic warmup and a bit of foam rolling for the glutes, back and hip flexors.
OHS: 5@bar x 3
Power snatch: 2@25, 2@30, 1@35, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, missed 47, 2@37 x 5
Snatch pulls: 2@45, 2@50 x 5
Jerk warmup with 25kg - jerk dips, catches, jerks behind the neck
Rack jerk(1 behind, 1 in front): 35, 40, 44, 48, 52, 54 x 4
Back squat: 3@45, 3@55, 3@65, 3@70, 3@75, 3@80.

44, 45 and 46kg are new personal bests for the power snatch, and 46kg is awfully close to my best snatch at 48kg. As soon as I get a good run at a new snatch attempt on a good day my best has got to fall. I just need to keep working on the speed in second pull and extension, this has been serving me well this week.

Rack jerks were OK, still getting used to the behind the neck stuff, so hopefully I'll be able to handle more weight on them soon. Technique isn't perfect but it's improving.

The Butcher was reminding me to pull my shoulderblades together and rotate my elbows out in the jerk receiving position - must keep this in mind when jerking and especially doing jerk-related warmup stuff. I've been focusing heavily on snatch stuff this last while since I got that rack jerk PB on the 14th but really the jerk is as important if not more so.

Here's some video of the snatch pulls:

So here ends a pretty tough couple of weeks, a hell of a lot of volume done in snatch, clean and jerk and lots of progress made. Back to it on Friday for an easy session to sharpen me up for a weekend of lifting and cryotherapy in Wexford.

Fair play to Gillian also today on her new (accidental) power snatch max of 48kg :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday's Septuagenarian Snatches

Friday 20th February

Quick dynamic warmup
OHS and drop snatches
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@42 x 6 (missed second rep of second set)
Jerk dips, jerk catches, split jerks, light front squats with 25kg bar
C+J: 40, 44, 48, 52, 54, 57, 59 x 4
Front squats: can't remember, will have to check training log later!

C+J video:

Really good snatching today, the last couple of sets of snatch in particular felt really good - light and fluid. The Butcher was originally going to have me to stop on 5 sets but I got a bonus set because I was making them look easy :)

Saturday 21st February - ancillary training
Hamstring curls supersetted with pulldowns, step ups supersetted with decline pushups, scap work and ab work, stretching.

Sunday 22nd February

Am away Tuesday to Thursday this week so trying to get as much training int0 Sunday and Monday as possible - wouldn't normally do this much because I'm not a lunatic :)

OHS and drop snatches 3 sets each
Snatch: 2@33, 1@36, 39, missed 42, 42, 45, 45, missed 45, 45, 45, missed 45
Heavy drop snatches: 2@35, 2@40, 2@44, 2@46 x 3
Rack jerk warmup (jerk dips, jerk catches, split jerks)
Rack jerks: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55 x 5
Clean warmup: 5 light front squats with 35kg
Cleans: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@54, 2@58 x 4
Front squats: 3@55, 3@60, 3@65 x 3

Annoying to miss those two 45kg snatches but on the first miss two septuagenarian ex-weightlifters were having an extremely loud chat 4 feet away from me, and tiredness was setting in on the last rep. Still, I need better, faster extension on my heavier snatches. I do this much better on every other lift, even snatch doubles/triples, but for some reason on heavy single snatches I'm just wimpy.

Position also wasn't great on the snatches, not as good as on Friday anyway. Could have done with a better warmup but I knew time would be tight on this session. Probably a false economy, that.

I also have a manky headcold but it seems to be moving off now. Really irritating as I haven't been sick in months and months - I thought I'd acquired some sort of superhuman immune system but it appears this is not the case. D'oh.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Laura - 9, 41kg - 0

Wednesday 18th February - heavy snatches and rack jerks

Bit of a warmup, OHS and drop snatches
Snatch: 2@32.5, 2@35, 1@37.5, 1@40, 1@42, 1@44 x 5 (and 2 misses on the 5th and 6th attempts, 1 forward one back)
Jerk warmup
Rack jerk: 2@35, 2@45, 1@50, 1@55, 1@57.5, 1@60 x 5 and 1 miss (due to holding the bar too long before jerking it)
Front squats: 3@40, 1@50, 1@55 x 3

A good day overall, but a lot going on - Sami, Gill and Shane were all training and the gym was pretty noisy and busy in general. Snatches and rack jerks were both around the 90% of max mark for me and it was an effort to concentrate enough to get these lifts in.

Missed a couple of snatch attempts, not because the bar was too heavy but because fatigue was starting to set in and distraction.

Thursday 19th February - snatch combo and more rack jerks

Warmup, OHS, drop snatches
2PS + 1S: 33, 36, 39, 41 x 3
Jerk warmup
Rack Jerk (1 behind neck, 1 in front): 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 x 4
Back squat: 5@40, 5@50, 2@60, 2@60, 2@73 x 6

All good today. The snatch combos were very tough (OK, they were modified snatch combo with 2PS instead of HPS + PS - due to my still delicate ripped callous). Mind you they should be tough, 41kg is a hilarious 85% of my best ever snatch to date so I shouldn't be able to do this at all. Here's the second set:

The Butcher has been threatening me with behind the neck jerks for ages now, but they haven't happened for some reason or another. I didn't much like these before but then I've done very little of them - definitely started to enjoy them a bit as I got into the groove. Here's the set with 45kg:

Moved the squats up another notch and leg was fine, hopefully back to normal squatting soon.

Need to get the ancillary work done this week, there is just no time at the end of sessions. Plan to get my push presses done at end of Friday's session to give shoulders max rest before I have to jerk again, then get in and do the rest on Saturday morning.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am teh strong!

Really good day today, added weight to everything and no misses, felt full of energy. Torn callous now partly healed but still feckin sore, hence snatches from floor instead of usual snatch combo which is harder on the hands.

4 sets of 5 OHS with bar, 3 sets of 3 drop snatches
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@41 x 6
Drop snatches: warmup sets, 2@44 x 3
Front squats: 5@35 x 2 to warm up for cleans
Cleans: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55, 2@57 x 3
Back squat: 3@45, 2@55, 1@60, 1@65 x 3

Possibly shouldn't have done those heavy cleans but I'd entirely forgotten about my dodgy quad last week. It was fine, anyway, so I think that was just a freak thing. I did take it very easy on the back squats though, seems best to ramp back up to squats gradually.

Here's the last set of cleans:

Was fairly happy with these although I could probably still do with better extension and keeping the bar closer. As always!

Roy was in, his physio said he was OK to start cleaning again, so that's what he was doing. I have some videos but my interwebs are being slow so I'll try to stick those up again later.

According to the scale in the ladies in the Hercs I am now 63kg, 1kg down on last week. Yarr!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Massacre

Somebody acquired a crazy Russian overreaching programme and of course like crazy people we all did it. Myself, Gillian, Barry, Sami, Cathal, The Butcher and the ever-taciturn Jimmy convened at 11am Saturday morning to get it done.

The day was split into 4 45 minute sessions with 30 minute breaks between. Session 1 was power snatches and clean pulls, session 2 snatch and power clean, session 3 snatch pulls and C+J, session 4 squat. For almost every exercise the idea was to work up to a max for the day, then drop down to 80% of that and do doubles until the allotted time for the exercise ran out.

In deference to my torn callous and dodgy quad, I just rack jerked for session 3 and sat out the squats (I did some glute ham raises and band external rotations instead, then ate my sandwich while everyone else squatted. Hardcore).

Session 1:
Bit of warmup stuff, some overhead squats with the bar.
Power snatch: 3@25, 3@30, 1@35, 37, miss@39, 39, 40, 41 (new PR), 42, miss@43, 43, 2@35 x 5 sets
Clean pulls: 2@45, 2@50, 2@52, 2@54, 2@56, 2@58, 2@60, 2@62, 2@64 x 3.

Session 2:
Overhead squats and drop snatches to warm up
Snatch: 2@30, 1@35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, miss@47 x 4 (last two very close), 2@36
Power clean: 45, 47, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 2@48, 2@49 x 3

Session 3:
Jerk skill work to warm up (dips, catches, split jerks)
Rack jerk: 2@40 x 2, 1@45, 1@50, 54, 57, 60, 62, 54, 65, 66, 67, miss@68, 2@55 x 2.
3 sets of GHR supersestted with 2 sets of band external rotations.

I'm really glad I did this, torn callous and all. I hit a 3kg PR on power snatch, and a 5kg PR on power cleans (I was pretty shocked I was able to do 60 actually, god knows what I can full clean - I've never gone to a max on cleans with jerks being my limiting factor at the moment on C+Js). The really nice thing was the rack jerk PR though - jerks were feeling very very strong. The grim mood I was in on Friday has lifted and I've felt energized since doing this.

The only low point for me was the inability to get 47kg on the snatch, it's a bit silly not to be able to do this (have done 48 before). It's a combination of the training I've been doing lately not being conducive to max effort snatching, and a few technique factors - starting position of feet and bar and timing the pull. I really need to work on these over the next few weeks. All snatch ancillary work is getting much stronger so chances are it will come together at some point and all of a sudden there'll be a decent jump in it.

I haven't trained since Saturday in order to let the callous heal and get a bit of recovery in but I'll be in tomorrow (Tuesday) and back to the normal routine.

Kudos to Barry on his 138kg C+J, Gill on her 51kg snatch, Cathal on his mid-traps and thanks to Sami for letting us invade his gym. And muchos gracias to Harry and Jimmy for the coaching and the help lowering the bar on the max effort rack jerks.

Video of the day, courtesy of Barry:

Friday, February 13, 2009

A nice big cup of toughen the fuck up

Wednesday - took it easy, iced the dodgy quad, munched Ibuprofen.
Thursday - leg felt OK, did a few very light overhead squats, caught up on the assistance work.

Today - decided to do some work on hang power snatches and jerks, and leave squatting type stuff out for now. Had a decent session of hang power snatches, then tore a callous. Jerks were a bit pants, maybe a result of the torn callous but that's no excuse for lack of focus. Grr.

Dynamic warmup and foam rolling, glute activation
Overhead squats: 5@bar x 4 (moving grip inwards)
Drop snatch: 3@bar, 3@25 x 2, 3@30
Hang power snatch: 3@30, 2@32.5, 3@35, 3@37.5 x 5
Jerk dips, jerk catches, split jerks, and some experimental front squats all with 25kg
Jerks: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 1@54, 1@58, 1@61 x 5 and 2 misses

Step-ups and scap pushups
Some static stretching and a little bit more foam rolling to finish.

Frankly, I am sick of training in a bloody building site and I'm sick of injuries and stuff going wrong. This has been a very frustrating week.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sycophants in the Abattoir

Short dynamic warmup
OHS: 5@bar x 3
Drop snatch (with power snatch to get bar to shoulders): 3@bar, 3@25 x 2, 3@28, 3@30
Snatch combo (HPS + PS + S): 30, 33, 36, 39 x 3
Heavy drop snatch from rack: 2@35, 2@39 x 2, 2@42 x 3
Power clean + 3 Front Squat: 2 sets with 30
Clean: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@55 x 4
Back squat: 3@55, 3@60, 2@70, 2@79, 2@76 x 3

And then on the fifth heavy set of squats my right vastus medialis seemed to cramp and tear slightly. Arsebiscuits. Not too sore but can feel something wrong walking up stairs etc. Lots of icing and Ibuprofen today. Hopefully I will still be able to do some power work and jerks while this is healing :(