Saturday, April 25, 2009

Half a centimetre between victory and defeat

Irish National Senior Championships - 25th April in Dublin. Very mixed day for me... went 3/3 in the snatch, then bombed in the C+J. Weighed in at 62.3kg (bit too light, due to Hercs' inaccurate scales - will know next time).

Was feeling decent warming up snatching. Opened at 46, no bother apart from overpulling and wobbling a bit at the top - the overexcitement of competition. Waited frickin ages for the down signal (refs having issues with the system I think, pretty sure I had all my bits in a line). 48 similar lift, strong but a tad wobbly. 50 was a bit smoother and equal to my PR, so pretty happy at this stage.

Felt a bit tired and manky warming up for C+Js, hall was hot and smelled of paint (why is there fresh feckin paint everywhere?). Stomach was turning. Still, warmups were OK. Opened with 62, after a bit of faffing about delaying me because the TV people were there, I finally lifted, but not given due to pressout in the jerk. It did feel light though and I was convinced I'd easily get the next lift, so tried 65. Pressout, even though I actually thought that one was OK. Third lift not given either. Some strict enough judging there, some other people were fairly surprised the lifts were not given. Still, best not to dwell.

I need to do more competitions more frequently to stay sharp at it - it's over 5 months since last proper one and over 4 since unofficial Hercs open - only one in between was the UL Open which I was out of country for. Meh. Less leaving the country for me!

The last 5 weeks training has not been the way to do it really, the first bit was more intensity/volume than I could manage, and then the last fortnight had to be pretty easy to recover and really it's been too little and I've lost a little sharpness. The lifts just didn't feel as natural as they normally do, although the adrenalin doesn't really help with that either. Organisation of training coming up to competition will be better next time.

Still, it's a long term project so onwards and upwards, Ulsters and Leinsters over next couple of months and in between lots and lots of hard training. I plan to vindicate myself with a nice 70kg C+J soon.

Sunday 26th April: Back in the saddle
OHS, drop snatches
Power snatch: 2@34, 2@38, 2@40 x 4
Jerk warmup
Rack jerk doubles (one behind neck, one in front): 35, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 x 4 sets
Back squat: 8@bar, 2@40, 3@60, 3@70 x 3 - felt heavy, ugh
Leg curls 3 sets - planned to do a bit more ancillary work but had to split (Kubrick season at the IFI :).

The above was all a bit random really, more or less just what I was in the mood for... apparently there is a New! Improved! programme awaiting me tomorrow.

My right shoulder is feeling happier and looser than it has been of late as well (lots of mobility work), so that's good. No problems with jerks today. Tommy Hayden inquired as to why I couldn't just have done them like that yesterday. I tell you it is just like training with Podge O'Leprosy in the corner, except with slightly less tact. And that is before he starts on the dirty anecdotes.

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