Saturday, April 4, 2009

Light week and ouchy shoulder boringness

No posts last week because it was light week and things were frankly not very interesting lifting-wise and work was busy. I did go for some massage on Friday the 27th on my incredibly tight right hip and my ouchy right shoulder.

The shoulder turned out to be a spot of tendonitis so it's a good job it was light week anyway. Specifically it was a bit of irritation on the supraspinatus tendon where it goes under the acromion. I think the problem was caused by my old friends weak/inactive scapular retractors/depressors. Their weakness lets the scapula slip outwards at the bottom which makes the spine of the scapula sit downwards more than it should, thus restricting the space under the acromion. So I did a couple of good sessions this week on those plus lots of icing and happily the shoulder now seems in fine form and hopefully will stay that way if I keep that up.

Saturday 28th March (80% singles)
Snatch: 2@30, 1@35, 37.5, 40
Rack jerk: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 50, 54
Front squat: to a single with 64kg

Monday 30th March (80% singles x 3)
Power snatch: 34, 37 x 3
Power clean: 3@37, 1@45, 50 x 3
Back squat: 3@48, 2@60, 1@70, 1@80 x 2

Scap rows, scap pullups, external rotations, prone cobras and some light DB pressing with right shoulder while fosucing on good shoulder posture.

Tuesday 31st March
Snatch: 34, 37, 40, 42
C+J: 35, 40, 45, 50, 53, 56
Front squat: 46, 50, 60, 64, 68

Thursday 2nd April
Snatch: 36, 39, 42, 44, 46, 48, miss@49 x 3, 2@39 x4
Rack jerk: 2@35, 1@40, 45, 50, 55, 60, miss@63, 63, miss@65, 2@51 x 4
Front squat: 3@45, 1@55, 1@60, 65, 70, 74
Plus scap work, some rows and a good lot of foam rolling.

Back to the heavy stuff! Lifts OK but not great, just things not that sharp after a very light week preceding.

Friday 3rd April
Power snatch: 33, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, miss@46, 2@36 x 4
Power clean: 3@36, 2@45, 50, 55, 57, 59, miss@61 (slow to get under), 2@49 x 4
Snatch grip special exercise: 5 sets of 3 with 54kg
OHS: 2@35, 2@40, 2@45, 2@50, 2@53, 2@55, 1@57, 1@59, 61.
Back squat: 3@50, 1@60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 2@72 x 2.

Not quite my best ever on PS/PC but close to it. Could maybe have gotten more if I pushed it, and could definitely have squatted heavier too but want to leave something in the tank for Sunday, which hopefully will be a good day. I lift better on the weekend for some reason.

Threw in the OHS as a warmup for back squats and because I wanted to see how they're getting on (and no coach within 3 days travel radius to stop me, bwahaha). They're getting on rather well it seems, 61kg is an 8kg PR. I tried for 63 but failed the push press up into position. Still, I know if I can get a snatch overhead and locked out I can bloody well stand up with it for the foreseeable future. I also threw in a few sets of snatch special exercise (pull to knee) because I wasn't sure if my positioning is right when I go for heavy snatch attempts - it feels a bit odd sometimes - seems fine on video though.

Gill did some sterling snatching on Friday, should have taken some video but didn't want to jinx the attempts :)

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