Friday, August 21, 2009

What has a green shell and swims underwater?

Me apparently, when I do those plank holds with a green 10kg plate.

So, today, still feeling tired. Wasn't happening with those power snatches at 40 kilos this week, had to drop back. Power cleans didn't have a lot of pop either but still managed to hit a new weight on those for triples. Holiday time now!

Friday 21st August

Power snatch from high hang: 3@25 x 2, 3@30, 3@35, miss+miss@40, 3@35, 3@35, 3@35
Snatch pulls: 2@45, 2@50, 2@55 x 5
Power cleans: 3@45, 3@50, 3@55, 3@60 x 3
Back squats: 5@50, 5@60, 5@70, 5@80 x 3
Plank holds: 3 x 1 minute holds with 10kg plate


  1. were you really swimming with a 10kg disc on your back, i tried swimming recently with my kids on my back, didnt get too far as i was being strangled as well as weighed down

  2. a little research later and it transpires you may not be the first famous lifter to lift in water;)
