Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May

Long time no update, too much training not enough time! Attempting to do 5x a week training at the moment, although being into the summer now with weekends away diving in the mix sometimes it'll be only 4x or made up with 2 sessions in one day.

Things are going well in general, although jerks aren't too sharp at the moment - they just haven't been a focus of late. Have added in an extra session of rack jerks so they should come back up again soon.

Squats are going well, there's 2 easier and 2 harder (front squat triples and back squat 5s are the hard ones) squat sessions each week and have been able to add weight to those each week so far.

Thursday 30th April
Power snatch: warmup sets, 2@37 x 4
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 2@46 x 3
Split jerks: warmup sets, 3@35 x 4
Back squats: warmup sets, 5@66 x 3
Press: 5@20, 5@30, 4@34, 5@30

Friday 1st May
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@42 x 3 (few misses - tired that day, lot of training that week)
Power cleans: warmup sets, 3@49 x 3
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@60 x 3
Front squat: warmup sets, 3@68 x 3 (personal best for triples)

Very tired this session, but got it in anyway as long weekend away was coming up.

Tuesday 5th May
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@42 x 3
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 2@48 x 3
Cleans: warmup sets, 2@54 x 3
Front squats: warmup sets, 2@64 x 3

Wednesday 6th May
Power Snatch: warmup sets, 2@38 x 4
Split jerk: warmup sets, 3@36 x 4
Back squats: warmup sets, 3@80 x 4
Press: warmup sets, 5@31 x 3

Thurday 7th May
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@42 x 3
Power Cleans: warmup sets, 3@49 x 3
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 3@65 x 3
Back squats: warmup sets, 5@69 x 3

Saturday 9th May - session A
Power snatch from high hang: warmup sets, 2@32 x 4
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@40 x 4 (lighter day)
Jerk from split: warmup sets, 3@37 x 4

Saturday 9th May - session B
C+J: warmup sets, 2@54 x 3
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@62 x 4
Push press: warmup sets, 3@45 x 4
Front squat: warmup sets, 2@68 x 3
Plank holds: 3 holds with 5kg weight

Monday 11th May
Snatch: warmup sets, 2@43 x 4
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 2@49 x 4
Power clean: warmup sets, 3@50 x 4
Back squat: warmup sets, 2@80 x 4
DB press: 3 sets of 5

Tuesday 12th May
Power snatch: warmup sets, 2@39 x 4
Clean: warmup sets, 2@57 x 4
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@67 x 4
Front squat: warmup sets, 3@69 x 3 (personal best for triples)
Plank: 3 holds with 5kg

Thursday 14th May
Snatch: warmup sets, 4 singles with 46kg
Snatch pulls: warmup sets, 2@50 x 4
Rack jerk: warmup sets, 57, 57, miss@57, 2@45, 2@50
Front squat: warmup sets, 2@69 x 4
Pulldowns: 3 sets of 5

Friday 15th May - session A
Power snatch from high hang: warmup sets, 2@35 x 4
Snacth: warmup sets, 2@41 x 4
Split jerk: warmup sets, 3@35 x 4
Push press: warmup sets, 3@46 x 4
Plank holds: 3 with 5kg

Friday 15th May - session B
C+J: warmup sets, 2@54 x 3
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@68 x 4
Back squats: warmup sets, 5@72 x 3

Definite fatigue setting in during last couple of days of this (and some sore legs after all that squatting). Taking a recovery week at the moment, back to heavy training Saturday 23rd.