Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Tuesday 23rd June
Power snatch: warmup sets, 2@40 x 4
Cleans: warmup sets, 2@60 x 4
Clean pulls: warmup sets, 2@69 x 4
Front squat: 3@50, 3@60, 3@65, 3@67 x 3
Plank holds: 3 one minute holds with 5kg

Lots of foam rolling later that evening.

A bit sluggish on the snatches today but cleans were very strong. Have never done 60kg for doubles before so pleased with that.

Shoulder starting to feel a bit better, probably all the Nurofen :)


  1. A PB in the double clean is impressive so soon after missing so much time when you were ill. Well done.

  2. Thanks! I have hit some power clean triples PBs as well so clearly things clean related are going well. Heh, at the moment it is nearly easier to clean 60 twice than front squat it, it is very strange!
