Saturday, March 7, 2009

2009 - a training odyssey

Saturday 7th March

Back to proper heavy training again, though The Butcher said I could snatch/clean normally but to take it fairly easy on the squats until Monday. At least, that what I'm claiming I heard :)

Warmup, overhead squats, light drop snatches
Snatch combo: 30, 34, 37, 39, 41 x 3
Jerk skill work/shoulder flexibility (waiting for squat stands...)
Heavy drop snatch: 2@35, 2@39, 3@42, 2@45, 2@48 x 3
Clean warmup
Cleans: 2@45, 2@49, 2@52, 2@55, 2@58 x 4
Back squats: 3@50, 3@60, 3@70 x 6
Step ups: 8@40 x 3
Leg curls: 6@55, 6@60 x 3

This took bloody ages, was at it about 2 hours including my warmup at the start. It is no wonder I am never in the mood for ancillary exercises after my main sessions... still it's all done for the week now except jerk supports which I forgot to do the other night.

Not feeling particularly sharp today, but the snatches and cleans were fairly heavy and I got through them OK. Clean doubles were not as tough as last time I did those with 58, recovering was a lot easier so I'd say my leg strength is coming back thanks to the light week. On the other hand I'm finding I'm not getting the bounce out of the bottom at all on the second rep of the doubles and am basically just having to power out of rock bottom. OTOH these are close to 90% cleans, or at least 90% of what I've been allowed to clean, so perhaps some breakdown in technique isn't unexpected.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In fairness to you, that's fairly close to what I remember saying as well!

    The % of Cleans being so high means that you should find the second rep harder, but as you progress further you'll find that your skill remains more constant at higher % and under greater stress. The difference in your skill now at max attempts from just 12 months ago is massive...

    See you Tuesday!
