Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fatigue makes cowards of us all

Saturday March 20th

Warmup, overhead squats, drop snatches
Snatch: 2@34, 1@37, 40, 43, 46, 46, miss@46, 46, 46, 46
Jerk warmup/skill
Rack jerk (one behind neck, one in front): 35, 40, 45, 50, 54, miss@56, 56 x 6
Front squat: 3@35, 2@50, 2@60, 2@64, 2@68 x 3

Lunges: 2 x 6 each side @35
DB curls: 2 x 8
Good stretch and foam rolling session - my quadratus lumborums are getting a bit tight

Strange day today. Absolutely bolloxed since yesterday, clearly I poleaxed myself altogether with the cleans and back squats I did on Thursday - this is what I get for mucking with the ordering of the sessions. Still, lifting didn't go too badly.

Snatching was strange, I made 5 of my 6 singles as opposed to 4 of the 6 last week, so that's improvement. Unfortunately, I had an audience of half a dozen assorted coaches and referees who were down for a committee meeting and of course most them were offering their various opinions on my starting position, extension and so on. The one miss was caused mostly by me trying for better extension and then being too slow to get under the bar.

Rack jerks were tough, mostly the behind the neck ones because I'm still not that good at them. Still, reasonably strong.

Had planned to train tomorrow but in light of how I'm feeling will be taking it off and training on Monday.


  1. "Unfortunately, I had an audience of half a dozen assorted coaches and referees who were down for a committee meeting and of course most them were offering their various opinions on my starting position, extension and so on. "

    Too many cooks etc... :) If you're absolutely wrecked and still getting 5/6 with 46kg, then that's pretty amazing!

    See you Monday for the start of our competition phase... Enjoy the day off!

  2. Competition phase - these words are music to my ears at this stage :) Yay!
